The COVID vaccines are a Godsend to the Green Movement

In Previous posts I showed data on abnormally low birth rates in Taiwan and Germany.  I found the data in Articles written for Substack by Igor Chudov.  This morning I discovered that Igor was also tracking Hungary and Sweden.  The data from those two countries is just as disturbing as Taiwan and Germany.

Hungary records data by county so Igor was able to plot the change from Q1 2021 to Q2 2022 by county vaccination rate.  There is a very clear trend.

The more young people you vaccinate the fewer babies you have.  The highest county for vaccinations had the largest decrease in births of over 20%.

Sweden is no better.  In this case Igor compared the first 4 months in 2021 to the first 4 months in 2022.  Clearly the problem is increasing with time.

So is this decrease in fertility temporary or permanent?  Like everything else with these vaccines we just do not know.  This is why you test vaccines for more than 2 months and do not force them on women of child bearing age.  This makes a mockery of my body my choice.  Do you think millions of women chose to be rendered infertile?

It was only the developed world that had the resources and stupidity to force vaccinate everyone.  If the fertility decline is permanent the Developed world will collapse.  Environmentalists have for decades pushed to de-industrialize the world.  Our current crop of evil and brain dead politicians may have given them their wish.

It is not Possible to defend the Boosters

New Zealand is in the dead of winter, COVID cases and deaths are rising.  This is in a country where 86% are vaccinated and almost 60% are boosted.  Anthony Fauci or Justin Trudeau would tell you the problems are that not enough people have had their fourth shot.  That is a little hard to swallow since most of the COVID cases and Deaths are among the boosted population.

The Boosters offer some protection from COVID but after 8 weeks the protection is negative.  The best way to die from COVID is to get a booster.  The excess deaths caused by the boosters have already cost New Zealand $1.6 billion and that number will only rise with time.

Advocating for a treatment that increases your chance of getting the disease is bizarre enough on its own but that is not where this story ends.  The boosters make you more likely to die of just about anything.  In Spain almost 100% of seniors have been boosted.  It is summer now and seniors are dying in large numbers of everything but COVID.


The data on the first 2 shots was not good.  Every senior saved from COVID came at the cost of more than 1 young person dying from vaccine injuries.  The data on the boosters is far worse than that.  We are no longer even saving seniors.  When will we wake up to the genocide?

Big Pharma solving the Problem of Parental Neglect

There are anonymous reports starting to leak that children in Daycare are suffering seizures.  Once again we find these “rare” occurrences are only happening to vaccinated children, which is concrete evidence that it is absolutely not due to the vaccines.  Doctors are hard at work trying to discover how unvaccinated Toddlers are causing seizures in Vaccinated Toddlers.  Obviously we cannot risk the health of more toddlers while this is investigated.  To prevent vaccinated toddlers from seizures we must immediately vaccinate all toddlers.

Seriously, what king of parent would vaccinate a toddler against a disease that affects only ill seniors?  Children are being injured because their parents are lazy and gullible.  Parents have blindly believed governments without doing any research or due diligence.  Some people should not be parents and thanks to the vaccines many soon won’t be.

Boris just never had a Jagmeet

Boris Johnson has resigned but just like Jason Kenney he is not going away.  Boris and Jason both wore out their welcome by pretending to be something that they are not.  They came to power promising freedom but delivered tyranny.  Both men are staying on as leader in order to stage manage their succession.  This is a political necessity not for the party but for them personally.  For 2 years both men behaved lawlessly ignoring the rights and wishes of the citizens.  They need to hand pick the new leader or they both risk prison.

In his resignation speech Boris blamed his demise on herd mentality.  The herd wanted him gone and Boris thinks that is proof that the herd is irrational.  That is the problem with our current crop of leaders; they believe they are incapable of making mistakes.  No matter how bad things get it is never their fault.  Their policies are never to blame; it is always Putin or some other imaginary boogie man.

Canadian Prime minister Justin Trudeau is also a master of denial and blame shifting.  Justin Trudeau has done much worse than Boris Johnson or Jason Kenney but he has been able to cling to power because he has something those two do not.  Justin has Jagmeet Singh.  Jagmeet Singh is the leader of the 3rd largest party in Canada and possibly the only elected official in the world less intelligent than Trudeau.  Justin Trudeau has a minority government that cannot exist without Jagmeets support, something Jagmeet does not seem to understand.  Jagmeet complains bitterly about the Trudeau Liberal government even though he has always had the power to topple them.  Jagmeet is stupid to the bone.

Jagmeet’s unconditional support of Justin Trudeau has not just kept Justin in power; it has allowed Justin to do things normally reserved for dictators.  Trudeau’s Canada is a place where children are taught the evils of free speech.


Police harass civil rights attorneys for reminding Canadians that theoretically they have rights and political prisoners are held on trumped up charges.  Most Canadians are oblivious to what is going on because most Canadians are oblivious to reality.  Canadians have been conditioned from birth to mindlessly obey government.  Immigrant Canadians have a different perspective however.  They have not been subject to the public school indoctrination and recognize Trudeau for what he is because they have seen this all before.



Justin Trudeau did not start Canada’s descent in to darkness.  He is just the wrong man, in the wrong job, at the wrong time, with his foot on the gas pedal.  As long as he clings to power this is going to get worse, much worse.  I can’t say it any better than the author of the linked national telegraph article.

As the days drag on and Tamara Lich stays in jail, Canada is a less free country than it was the day before. The Trudeau government has now taken a political prisoner, and they are unlikely to stop at just one.

An Engineering Solution to a Medical Mystery

The COVID days were heady days for Alberta Doctors.  For 2 years they were able to operate with absolute certainty.  They knew that the combination of masks, isolation, unemployment, intravenous drug use, and subservience to government would save humanity.  The fact that each of these had already been proven to be useless or harmful did not deter them.  Doctors just knew with absolute certainty combining all of these harmful interventions would produce a powerful elixir.  Eternal life was within our grasp.

To the lay person producing medicine by combining poisons might seem odd but doctors have something lay people do not.  No I am not talking about their medical degrees; I am talking about the expert guidance of Justin Trudeau and Jason Kenney.  Justin and Jason told us doing things harmful to our health would improve our health.  Why wouldn’t we believe them?  After all if you sum both of their IQs you get almost 150; together they are a genius.

Following the advice of these two eminent medical scholars was supposed to lead to a medical utopia.  Doctors would only ever need to deal with sprains and the occasional bone break.  But something puzzling has side tracked our train to the fountain of life.  It seems that Alberta hospitals are now full of sick children and morgues of full of adults who died of unknown reasons.

For 2 years we were certain that every medical mystery had been solved and now we can’t even figure out why people are dying.  How could the number one cause of death be unknown?  Seriously didn’t Alberta physicians get the memo about Sudden Adult Death Syndrome?

I am not a doctor but I think in this case I might be able to help out.  I have mentioned many times that I am an engineer.  My specialty is oilfield operations.  Often I am asked to help diagnose a problem that materialized after long periods of problem free operation.  My first question is always, what changed?  9 times out of 10 that is all that it takes to identify the problem.

In the last 2 years governments have forced a lot of change on us.  All of these changes have made people sick and claimed lives but the problems now are much higher.  So what was the last change we made?  If you don’t answer the vaccines you would really suck as an engineer or a doctor for that matter.

This is not rocket science; just simple cause and effect.  Unfortunately now that the damage has been done the solutions will not be simple but the first step is obvious.  Stop vaccinating.  When you find yourself in a deep hole it is always a good idea to stop digging.


Justin Trudeau hates Canada and Canadians

For 2 years every death was a COVID death.  People with gunshot wounds and a positive PCR test obviously died of COVID and not the gaping chest wound.  Every death, no matter how ridiculous, was linked to COVID.  It is a pity that Vaccine injuries don’t get the same accounting treatment.

I have a colleague who now has heart damage from the vaccine.  He was sent for a stress test to assess the damage.  When he got the results the cause was listed as COVID not vaccine injury.  Everyone involved knows this is from the vaccine but no one will put that down on paper.

These intentional misdiagnoses are not just in Canada, this Australian man is experiencing the same medical cowardice.  His career and livelihood are at stake and no one has the courage to tell the truth.  Doctors tell him to his face that his injuries are from the vaccine but no one will put that on paper.

No one in government or medicine in either country has the courage to tell the truth about the vaccines but at least Australians they are still willing to do the right thing.  While Australia Government will not admit any wrong doing they are quickly and quietly moving away from the vaccines.  That is not the only difference between the 2 countries.  Canadian media is still lying to support the Trudeau liberals’ vaccine narrative but the Australian spectator was unafraid to speak the truth.  These incredibly blunt statements about vaccine problems are from the article.

Increased vulnerability to infection might explain why, in NSW, teachers who were forced to be double vaccinated to retain their jobs were off sick for a combined 430,351 days in the first six months of this year, an increase of 145,491 days compared to pre-pandemic levels.

It might also explain why excess mortality continues to run at a record high. Excess deaths in March were still almost 10 per cent above the historical baseline and deaths for the first three months of the year were 17.5 per cent higher than the historical average.

This spectacular public health failure was undoubtedly exacerbated by the failure to heed the lessons of early treatment of Covid-19. 

The Australian government will never admit to the damage they have done but it seems they will at least stop killing their citizens.  Unfortunately for Canadians the Trudeau killing spree is far from over.  There are no mandates yet but why would the government change the definition of “protected” to a jab every 9 months if they did not intended to force vaccinate?

Canada now truly stands alone.  While the rest of the world is moving away from COVID vaccines Trudeau is doubling down on vaccines and persecuting dissenters.  There really is only one reason that they would do this.  Spoiler alert it is not due to the Liberals deep love and affection for Canadians.  I can’t say it any better than Spenser Fernando.

If you are a Canadian who supports freedom, believes government power should be limited, and respects the history and tradition of Canada, the Liberals hate you.

They hate you, and they hate what you stand for.

No truer words have ever been spoken.  It is time for Canadians to wake up and understand our enemy is in Ottawa.

A very Canadian Debate

I just saw this article about how COVID is still a serious threat to Canadians.  I found the first line of the article very interesting.

COVID-19 cases are on the rise again in Canada, and the blame lies with the two rapidly spreading Omicron sub-variants, also known as BA.4 and BA.5 variants.

Did you know cases were rising in Canada?  I certainly didn’t and neither do the people who track cases in Canada.

When this farce started we had infections but we never had an emergency.  Still the infections were the grain of truth that Journalists constructed lies around.  Now it seems that grain of truth is no longer necessary; all you need to get an article published is the lie.

Facts or truth have never been particularly important to Canadian Journalists but this has got to be a new low.  While the article was 100% fiction I still found it thought provoking.  It left me with this burning question.  Is the lowest form of life in Canada politicians or is it really journalists?


Compliant Canadians have now become Pin Cushions

On June 15th I wrote about the implications of the new fully protected designation.  This is what I predicted at that time.



So now it does not matter how many doses you have had.  What matters is how long since your last dose.  

It is now endless in Canada.  Theresa Tam can set the time limit at whatever she wants.  Soon to be considered “up to date” in Canada you will need to be injected monthly.


Once again I am sorry to say I told you so.  COVID boosters are now endless in Canada.  It does not matter how many you have had if your last shot was more than 9 months ago you are no longer considered vaccinated.  Only a fool would believe that the interval will stay at 9 months.  If we acquiesce to this the interval will surely shorten.  Soon the interval will be measured in weeks.

We could have stopped this in its tracks in March of 2020.  All we had to do is say no to the first lockdown.  99% of Canadians did not have the courage to do so.  Unless you want to get injected every month for the rest of your chemically shortened life, you damn well better find some courage this fall.


Pfizer Fears the SEC but not the FDA

Pfizer gained emergency use authorization by submitting fraudulent data to the FDA.  Despite being fined billions for previous lies Pfizer is obviously not afraid of the FDA.  Pfizer is comfortable in the knowledge that the FDA will be careful with the size of any fine.  The FDA will make sure that the fine is only a fraction of the windfall profits Pfizer makes from the lies.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a very different story.  Pfizer is very afraid of the SEC and the rights it confers to Pfizer shareholders.  If Pfizer lies to their shareholders they can find themselves in very big trouble.  This leads to a very interesting disconnect between what Pfizer tells the public and what they disclose to their shareholders.


It is very clear from the shareholder communication that Pfizer does not believe their COVID vaccines are safe or effective.  Pfizer knows these products will never get full regulatory approval so they are warning shareholders that the gravy train cannot go on forever.

This video and these disclosures are over 2 months old yet I did not hear about them until yesterday when my wife’s uncle brought them to my attention.  That really shows you the state of the news media right now.  The headlines should have screamed that Pfizer admits their COVID Vaccines do not work.  Instead the media has ignored this while toeing the government line on vaccine messaging.

Some day when sanity is restored many people will go prison over this.  A large number will be “journalists”.

It is Easier to Lose a Country than you Think

Happy Independence Day to my American readers.  As a Canadian I envy you because American’s still have a fighting chance to win back their country.  In America you have politicians and public figures willing to speak out against what is happening.  In Canada we don’t have that.  We have had a few politicians jump on the freedom bandwagon but not a single one has come out and stated that the lockdowns and mandates were wrong.  They all just say they are no longer necessary.  That implies that at one time they were necessary and the speaker would be willing to go their again.

The most pro-freedom politicians in Canada don’t understand freedom or its value.  For them Freedom is something granted for brief interludes between government caused or contrived crises.  In The US you have Rand Paul, in Canada we have this guy.


Thankfully Mark Slapinski is such a nobody that I had to look him up.  After watching the video I did expect to find out that he worked for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) but he is an independent.  His video is no doubt an audition tape for the CBC.  Whether or not he gets the job is immaterial.  The reality is that there are far too many Mark Slapinskis already working for the CBC or simply infesting Canadian society.

American’s must wonder how a virtue signally Moron like Justin Trudeau can keep getting elected.  The dirty little secret is that Canada is a country of virtue signaling morons who line up to vote for an Idiot like Trudeau.  This did not happen overnight.   Canada used to be a nation of tough, independent, intelligent people but 50 years ago the left silently took over the public schools.  Then the government took over the media, first indirectly through the Canadian Radio and Television Commission (CRTC) and CBC.  Later under Justin Trudeau most media began receiving direct payments from the government.

The dumbing down of Canadian society took decades but it is now almost complete.  We have a country full of people incapable of independent thought.  Not a single Mark Slapinski would ever question the government narrative on COVID vaccines.  Not only that but they would be willing to imprison their neighbors to advance the interests of government.  Sadly Canadian’s would rather take science advice from this moron;

Than the real scientist that invented the technology.


Canadians like Mark Slapinski are no longer smart enough to feel shame or understand right from wrong.  The most absurd Political figure in History has Canadians willing to commit atrocities.  Americans would do well to avoid the mistakes Canadian’s have made.