A Canadian’s Guide to acceptable Beliefs

In political circles the narrative is that the Freedom Convoy protesters hold unacceptable views.  This is a great sound bite for the news but doesn’t really explain what is and is not acceptable.  As a public service I have accumulated statements from politicians and media to compile a list of acceptable and unacceptable beliefs.

Acceptable Belief Unacceptable Belief
Cotton has magical powers; when held over your face it forms an impenetrable barrier to viruses. The engineering is clear.  You can’t stop a 0.1 micron particle with an 80 micron filter.
Children need to be vaccinated or they will all surely die and it will be the parents fault. Children should not be part of an experiment to test a treatment that only benefits adults.
The Government is the final arbiter of what you do with your body. Handing the most fundamental right of bodily autonomy to a group of homicidal sociopaths is the worst decision in human history.
Lockdowns are the only way to protect us from a virus.  If only everyone had obeyed this would have been over in 2 weeks. Forcing unemployment on bar and restaurant staff is not an antiviral.  It is just plain stupid.
Lockdowns saved millions of lives and should be used every cold and flu season. The science is clear.  Lockdowns have almost no effect on the spread of an airborne virus.  The overall deaths were increased by lockdowns.
The legacy media in Canada is the only reliable source of information. 600 million dollars in tax money was used to buy media silence and cooperation.  Trudeau even brags about it on camera.
Multiple boosters every year for a disease less deadly that influenza is the smart thing to do. Multiple boosters every year for any disease is insane.  It is just proof that the vaccine does not work.
If everyone had just listened to government the virus would have disappeared already. No virus with an animal reservoir has ever disappeared.  COVID will never go away.
My safety is someone else’s responsibility.  There is no hardship that I can impose on them that is not justified by feelings of wellbeing. People who ask others to suffer so that they can feel safe are selfish.  If you don’t feel safe in a store don’t go to in to the store.  The store owner should not be forced to close to make you feel safe.
People need to be forced to take COVID vaccinations because vaccinated people can only be infected by unvaccinated people. No one should be forced to use a technology that has failed 100% of the time in animal tests.
Justin Trudeau is a demi god that you must sacrifice your children to in return for safety. Justin Trudeau is an ignorant, petulant, man-child who lashes out at anyone who points out that he is an ignorant, petulant, man-child.


After going through this exercise I have discovered, to my dismay, that all of my beliefs are unacceptable.  I would apologize to Justin Trudeau but I can’t find him.  No one seems to know where the Prime minister of Canada is.  I believe that a Prime Minister hiding from protesters and ignoring the will of the people is not how democracy should work.  That too is likely an unacceptable belief.  Hey I gotta be me.