I was an Organ Donor until this Morning

Canadian’s are mindlessly delusional.  Every day the gulf between what Canada is and what Canadians think it is grows wider.  For more than 2 years Canadians have watched idly while a prime minister elected with 32% of the vote violated every section of the Charter of rights.  Incredibly, none of this registers with the average Canadian.  The overwhelming majority of Canadians who acquiesced to this tyranny would describe Canada as a beacon of democracy, an example for others to follow.

The largest delusions that Canadians hold are about health care.  Canadian’s believe that our socialized health care system is superior to all others and that Healthcare is a human right.  This recent decision from an Alberta Judge just shattered that delusion.  An Alberta woman was denied an organ transplant because she is not vaccinated.  The judge ruled Alberta Health Services could deny her because health care is not a right.

I cannot wait for the next time a useful idiot tells me about how superior Canadians and the Canadian health care system is.  What kind of mental gymnastics will it take to justify this?  Our superior system did not just stand by and watch this woman die.  The system ensured her death by denying her “right” to health care.

It might surprise you but I think the judge actually made the right decision.  This judge did something that is exceptionally rare in the Canadian judicial system; he followed the letter of the law.  Health care is obviously not a right.  Nothing that has to be provided to you by others can ever be a right.  If products and services were rights then the people producing them would have no choice but to provide them to you.  In essence the providers would be your slaves.  You cannot have a right that violates the basic human rights of others.

Health care is a service.  Socialized health care is a privilege of living in a wealthy country.  Unfortunately it is a privilege that government can deny at any time for non-compliance.  I do not have a problem with this Judge.  My problem is with our premier and Alberta Health Services.  Jason Kenney is an evil little prick who is going to kill this woman to make an example out of her.  How does murdering a person to frighten others in to compliance make Canada a beacon of democracy?

Canadian’s like to see themselves as the world’s Teddy bear.  We are just so caring and compassionate.  Except of course that we are not.  I know this because very few people are upset by this woman’s public execution at the hands of our premier.  Canadian’s are largely left wing and to paraphrase Ronald Reagan; the problem with the left is that they know so much that just is not so.  Canadian’s are absolutely sure of their saintly compassion as they watch this woman die.

To any Albertan who is not a lunatic, there is a way to protest this AHS decision.  If you are an organ donor follow this link to withdraw your consent.  You must enter information from your health care card and then on the second screen click withdraw.


If enough people withdraw their consent AHS might be forced to change their decision before this poor woman dies.

2 replies
  1. Tim
    Tim says:

    Thank you for the link. If I’m not good enough to receive I sure as heck am not good enough to donate. Cancellation done! As usual the fantastic Canadian health care system is a complete failure again, just ask anyone on the any of the numerous waiting lists whether it be organ transplants or any type of surgery.

  2. Tim
    Tim says:

    When I was a child living at home my parents decided what I ate, wore and drank. I guess the Canadian health care system pays the health bills ( which we actually pay for through extremely high taxes) so they can decide health care procedures for us. Beware smokers, drinkers and those of you whom the government deems to be overweight- you’re next on the chopping block. Justin the manchild will keep Canadians safe because he’s Klaus Schwab’s little bitch.

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