It is time For Everyone to join the Freedom Convoy

Publicly traded companies are required by law to publish their financials after the New Year.  It takes them some time to get their accounting and reports finished so typically companies start to publish their results in February.  A friend of mine sent me this article from zero hedge who have been watching the published results closely.

2021 was a very good year for funeral homes and an unprofitable year for insurance companies.  It seems that an unexpectedly high number of people died last year.

The most interesting thing was not how many died but who died.  In 2020 COVID caused excess deaths in a very specific demographic; elderly people with serious health conditions.  COVID did what all respiratory viruses do.  It hastened the demise of people already on death’s door steps.  My wife’s uncle is a retired nurse.  When this government/media sponsored panic started he told me this is normal.  In his words “pneumonia has always been known as the old man’s friend”.  Pneumonia was a blessing that finally ended the suffering of seriously ill seniors.

2021 was very different from 2020.  In 2021 it was young healthy people dying in great numbers.  Here are the plots from Euromomo.  Every age group younger than 75 had excess deaths in 2021.

These people are not in COVID’s demographic.  This is the demographic of people who die in war not during cold and flu season.

The sad fact is that we are at war.  We are at war with our own governments who are forcing us to take a treatment that causes young healthy people to die in large numbers.  Right now the only people fighting this war on our behalf are blue collar workers at the Freedom convoy.  White collar workers have had all common sense educated out of them and are still cowering at home behind masks.  It is time for everyone to step up and join the fight.