More on the Scientific Method

Yesterday I wrote about the scientific method.  After that, a friend sent me the following video.  The Video is of a famous Physicist Dr. Richard Feynman discussing science and the scientific method.  The Video is very Good.  Dr. Feynman discusses science in a simple and humorous way.  This is something I have noticed before.  People who really understand a subject can explain it to anyone in very simple language.  It is the people who do not really understand what they are talking about that use all the jargon.  They use the Jargon to intimidate you from asking any questions.  Please take the time to watch.


Dr. Feynman makes several very good points.

  • It does not matter how much you like your theory if the data does not match it is wrong.

We discussed this yesterday.  The Theory that masks and lockdowns work does not match the data, therefore it is wrong.  It does not matter how many times that Deena Hinshaw, Theresa Tam, or Anthony Fauci tells you that we must wear masks.  Their position of authority does not make them right.

  • If your theory cannot be proven false it is not science.

This does not really apply to Covid but think about climate change.  Hot weather proves that CO2 is dangerously warming the plant, somehow, so does cold weather.  More storms, less storms, more rain, less rain, all of this is proof we need to live in mud huts and grow our own vegetables.  The people who support the anthropogenic greenhouse gas theory (and yes, it is a theory) want you to believe that everything proves their theory, and nothing disproves it.  Climate change is not science it is religion.

  • Science is knowing what you do not know.

Think about the “experts” and officials who have told you with great certainty if we do not follow their rules the virus will spread uncontrollably.  These people are too stupid to understand that they can not control the spread of a virus.  They do not know what they do not know which makes them the most dangerous type of idiot.  One who thinks he is smart.  A real scientist never speaks in such absolutes because he/she is very aware of what they do not know.