Who writes the Scripts?

When the plandemic started I often asked are politicians evil or stupid?  I could never quite decide which it was.  Now after observing Canadian Politicians closely for 2 years I have decided that they are all stupid; it is the people putting words in their mouths who are evil.

Justin Trudeau and Jason Kenney do not write their own speeches and statements.  They can’t, they are barely literate.  This is very apparent when they are asked questions their handlers did not anticipate.  When that happens Trudeau he does one of 2 things.  He either walks out without answering or he recites a memorized response to a completely different question.  Jason Kenney makes the bigger mistake of trying to answer.

A year ago Jason Kenney was interviewed by Daniel Smith about the COVID lockdowns.  Daniel asked some very basic but important questions about COVID.  Kenney was unable to answer any of them.  The COVID lockdowns are the most significant event in decades and the man imposing them on Alberta knows nothing about COVID.  The guy that confidently stands at the podium reading a prepared script does not know what any of it means.

So who is writing the script?  In Ontario Doug Ford admitted that he just does what the chief medical officer tells him to do.  Then his Chief medical officer was caught on camera admitting she just reads scripts she has been handed.  Doug Ford does not know who composes his scripts and does not care.

Doug Ford is exactly the kind of politician that the people in charge like.  Stupid and compliant.  Doug Ford has one flaw however.  He is so stupid he cannot stay quiet.  Sometimes he says things his handlers have no doubt warned him not to say.


Doug Ford just admitted he does not understand why he imposed any restrictions.  Even he has figured out the rules do not work.

I find this short video very illuminating for 2 reasons.  First, one of the least intelligent people on the planet has figured out the restrictions make no sense and the vaccines do not work.  If you are angry with unvaccinated you should take a minute to think about that and what it implies about your cogitative abilities.  Second, Doug Ford did not apologize.  The people of Ontario have been abused for 2 years and Doug Ford feels no responsibility because none of this was his decision.  He was just a spectator in this corrupt affair.

Unfortunately there are far too many Doug Fords in Canada.  People who were content to be spectators as the government trampled their rights and persecuted their neighbors.  The time for spectating is over.  This was never about a virus and the people we elect are not driving the bus.  This was always about eliminating rights and dividing us; necessary conditions for the great reset.

Spring has arrived and restrictions are being lifted.  Do not be fooled by this.  Restrictions were lifted last spring as well.  They will be back next fall.  The assault on human rights is not over.  The government and media are now trying to convince us that free speech is a threat to the governance of the country.


The Freedom convoy was 100% peaceful.  It is the only protest in my memory that resulting in a reduction in street crime.  Yet the media wants us to believe that the protesters wanted to overthrow the government.  I think a group that wants to overthrow the government would not show up with children, hot tubs, and bouncy castles.  The script writers are aggressively demonizing the Freedom Convoy protesters for one purpose.  They want to make it illegal to criticize policies they give Justin to implement.  That should send a chill down everyone’s spine.

It is not about a virus or a vaccine, it is about control and absolute power.


For your children’s sake stand up.  It is time to pull back the curtain and find out who is really in charge.


1 reply
  1. Tyrel
    Tyrel says:

    When I quit teaching 8 years ago, I saw what you explained happen often. A “policy” would come down the pipeline that most didn’t agree with or like, however when people asked or complained (which was usually me) about what was happening nobody knew who came up with the idea. Not Principals or Superintendents, I even phoned all the way up to Alberta Education to voice my opinion but could never get an answer on who was responsible for the new idea. The speech writing Commies keep themselves well disguised. They have slowly whittled out any independent common sense thought out of the system for years. Now we are suffering the consequences of our socialized system.

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