For 2 years every death was a COVID death. People with gunshot wounds and a positive PCR test obviously died of COVID and not the gaping chest wound. Every death, no matter how ridiculous, was linked to COVID. It is a pity that Vaccine injuries don’t get the same accounting treatment.
I have a colleague who now has heart damage from the vaccine. He was sent for a stress test to assess the damage. When he got the results the cause was listed as COVID not vaccine injury. Everyone involved knows this is from the vaccine but no one will put that down on paper.
These intentional misdiagnoses are not just in Canada, this Australian man is experiencing the same medical cowardice. His career and livelihood are at stake and no one has the courage to tell the truth. Doctors tell him to his face that his injuries are from the vaccine but no one will put that on paper.
No one in government or medicine in either country has the courage to tell the truth about the vaccines but at least Australians they are still willing to do the right thing. While Australia Government will not admit any wrong doing they are quickly and quietly moving away from the vaccines. That is not the only difference between the 2 countries. Canadian media is still lying to support the Trudeau liberals’ vaccine narrative but the Australian spectator was unafraid to speak the truth. These incredibly blunt statements about vaccine problems are from the article.
Increased vulnerability to infection might explain why, in NSW, teachers who were forced to be double vaccinated to retain their jobs were off sick for a combined 430,351 days in the first six months of this year, an increase of 145,491 days compared to pre-pandemic levels.
It might also explain why excess mortality continues to run at a record high. Excess deaths in March were still almost 10 per cent above the historical baseline and deaths for the first three months of the year were 17.5 per cent higher than the historical average.
This spectacular public health failure was undoubtedly exacerbated by the failure to heed the lessons of early treatment of Covid-19.
The Australian government will never admit to the damage they have done but it seems they will at least stop killing their citizens. Unfortunately for Canadians the Trudeau killing spree is far from over. There are no mandates yet but why would the government change the definition of “protected” to a jab every 9 months if they did not intended to force vaccinate?
Canada now truly stands alone. While the rest of the world is moving away from COVID vaccines Trudeau is doubling down on vaccines and persecuting dissenters. There really is only one reason that they would do this. Spoiler alert it is not due to the Liberals deep love and affection for Canadians. I can’t say it any better than Spenser Fernando.
If you are a Canadian who supports freedom, believes government power should be limited, and respects the history and tradition of Canada, the Liberals hate you.
They hate you, and they hate what you stand for.
No truer words have ever been spoken. It is time for Canadians to wake up and understand our enemy is in Ottawa.