Trudeau may actually have one accomplishment
Last week Canadians almost got a gift. Justin Trudeau said the words “I” and “Resign” in the same sentence. Unfortunately he put the words “intend to “ in between so what he really said is that he does not intent to cling to power forever, just for now.
To prove his point that he really does not intent to resign any time soon, Trudeau jumped on a plane to do a series of campaign style interviews in front of friendly media. Here he is on CNN explaining that he is not the problem. The problem is that Canadians don’t understand what an accomplishment $10 day care really is.
Trudeau blames “feelings” not facts for political struggles
Watch the full video here:— The Lead CNN (@TheLeadCNN) January 10, 2025
It not surprising that Trudeau started his second leadership campaign with American media. He had to leave the country to find media still willing to treat him with kid gloves. The normally compliant Canadian media is no longer that friendly to him. After a decade of gross incompetence Canadian media has finally stopped loving him for his hair and last name.
For a decade Canadian media was willing to lie to Canadians about the state of the country but things have gotten so bad the lies no longer work. Even normally clueless Canadians will no longer believe the myth that Canada has the best economy in the G7.
Canada is going through a rough time right now. A lost decade, combined with eroding living standards, has been painful for many Canadians. Our American neighbours have become far richer than us since 2015, which may elicit entirely justifiable frustration and envy. Promoting decontextualized data will not change this.
Even more surprising is that Canadians have also soured on immigration and the media has stopped trying to gaslight them about it. 5 years ago no Canadian media would have dared admit that unrestricted low wage immigration will bankrupt a modern welfare state.
We Canadians have all lived through a year in which the carrying capacity of a model welfare state was tested to its political limit, and beyond, by poorly controlled immigration.
Liberals had opened the door to an unprecedented (even for Canada) flood of low-wage guest workers, asylum seekers and international students who were hypothetically supposed to be self-supporting.
Trudeau hopes interviews with still friendly American media will help highlight his achievements. The problem with that plan is that he only has one achievement which he is not talking about. Trudeau has done something that no other Canadian Prime Minister before him has been able or even wanted to do. Trudeau has been so bad that Canadian media which for years has been the most biased media in the world is now taking the truth for a test run.
To put bluntly, Trudeau will be remembered as Canada’s worst prime minister. Although there have been bad ones before him, they seem almost golden as compared to the silver-spooned scion of one of Canada’s longest serving prime ministers, Pierre Trudeau.
This sudden revival of Canadian journalistic ethics is not just bad news for Justin Trudeau. It is bad news for the Liberal party of Canada. For those of you unfamiliar with Canadian politics, a group that includes many Canadians, you need to understand that the Liberal party almost always runs Canada. In the 20th century 70% of the time Canadian governments were liberal. The Liberals see themselves as Canada’s natural governing party and for most of the time the media has been happy to help them out. That is why initially they were willing to ignore Just Trudeau’s abject stupidity. But, even that cozy relationship is changing.
Canadian media is finally willing to tell the truth not just about Justin Trudeau. They are finally willing to admit that while the rot starts at the top it permeates all the way to the bottom. And, the rot in the Liberal party existed long before Fidel Castor impregnated Maggie Trudeau.
While the Liberal party has grown particularly obnoxious of late, it has, for at least 100 years, existed to direct state resources to maintain its own power centres.
Instead, Canada will be effectively without a government for weeks, solely so the Liberals can conduct a sort of American Idol for bilingual Laurentians who graduated from McGill. This is what we get for permitting these insufferably progressive fools to subordinate every aspect of Canadian life to their partisan needs.
If it weren’t for Canada’s geographic proximity to the U.S., and the wealth that comes with that, this country would be a failed state. There is only one solution and that is the destruction of the Liberal party.
Justin Trudeau has been so incredibly awful that Canadian media has at least temporarily turned to the truth. Some Canadian media have abandoned their traditional role as the propaganda wing of the Liberal party. This is not good news for whoever finally replaces Justin Trudeau. It is however very good news for Canadians. Especially when you consider the leading contender for the job is a long time party insider.
The front runner to replace Trudeau is Mark Carney. Carney has been part of the putrid liberal swamp his whole life. He is nothing more than Trudeau 2.0. He is a climate change zealot who would happily destroy Canada’s economy in return for a yearly tongue bath in Davos.
The spate of exits deals a blow to efforts by Mark Carney, the former Bank of England governor who is now weighing a bid to become Canada’s next prime minister, to push the financial industry to do more to cut greenhouse gas emissions. This is because the coalition is part of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (Gfanz), a broader initiative unveiled by Carney in 2021 in the run-up to the Cop26 climate conference.
Mark Carney is a dangerous lunatic. In the past Canadians would never get to know this. The media would memory hole every terrible thing he has said just as they ignored Trudeau’s admiration of communist dictators. Now that is not certain. The media might actually do their job for once. Our next election could be the first one in my lifetime where Canadians are given correct information. It is still uncertain though as to whether they will use it.
Trudeau has inadvertently given Canadians the truth. Don’t waste it.