We used Lockdowns because China used lockdowns. That sounds incredibly stupid because it is incredibly stupid. China set the stage with fake videos of people collapsing in the street and fake data about how effective the lockdowns were. That is all it took for fake experts in the west to declare we had no other option.
Fake videos, fake data, and fake experts produced real fear. Feeble minded politicians bought it and shut their economies down and even 3 years later they cannot admit what an enormous blunder it was.
Everything about the COVID emergency was fake, but the love government has for lockdowns is very real. No one in government will condemn lockdowns for 2 reasons.
- They want to use lockdowns again. Lockdowns established a precedent that in a “crisis” government can suspend human rights indefinitely. This is every tyrant’s wet dream; it gives them complete control over every aspect of your life. Why would they give this up?
- If they admit Lockdowns were wrong they might have to explain why they used them.
The second reason is the real stumbling block. Lockdowns have no public health benefit. We knew that before COVID. Their purpose was entirely political. Lockdowns were part of a larger plan that started with the intentional release of a virus.
Most of the world is not ready to believe that the virus was released intentionally just as 3 years ago we were not ready to believe the virus was engineered. People now accept that the virus was engineered due to the weight of the evidence. In time we will also acknowledge that the evidence indicates none of this was an accident.
From 30,000 feet the COVID response is highly suspicious. Why did every government throw out their old pandemic response plans and completely adopt the Chinese lockdown plan? They want us to believe that this was panic caused by suddenly needed to deal with a brand new virus. That explanation makes no sense when you accept that this virus was not new.
They had been playing with this virus in a lab for years. Top government Bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci knew everything about it. They knew it was highly contagious but not particularly deadly; they built it that way. If the leak was accidental they knew exactly what they must do to cover their tracks; absolutely nothing. The best course of action was to ignore COVID. Had they done that all anyone would have noticed was that the 2019/2020 winter was a bad flu season.
So why didn’t they cover their tracks by just ignoring COVID? COVID was circulating for months without producing many excess deaths. COVID only became a problem when government made it a problem by following the advice of the people who built the damn virus in the first place; Anthony Fauci and the Chinese. The criminal cabal behind COVID drew attention to the virus because they wanted lockdowns. Lockdowns were essential to their plan.
In the spring of 2020 almost every western government was indirectly controlled by the WEF, through their proxies. Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Emmanuel Macron, Boris Johnson; they are all great reset, global government stooges. Every one of them was destroying their countries at the direction of Klaus Schwab but there was one big speed bump on the road to the great reset, Donald Trump.
Trump’s America first agenda did not fit with the great reset. He had to go but how do you get rid of an incumbent president presiding over the best economy in decades? Step one is shut down the economy with lockdowns. Step 2 is use the lockdowns to change election laws that prevent fraud.
Shutting down the economy to get rid of one man sounds Tin foil hattish right? I agree but it is also where the evidence points. The WEF clowns don’t care about their own economies anyway. Couple that with their intense Trump derangement syndrome and they did not need any more motivation. Trump needed to go and they were willing to climb in bed with China to make it happen.
Politics makes strange bedfellows. President Xi is not a globalist but he also hated trump. No country on earth had more reasons to get rid of Trump and no country benefited more from his absence.
The Chinese have a strong motive to do this.
As TV detectives always say, follow the money. I have discussed this in previous posts. No country benefited more from this pandemic than China. Donald Trump was extremely problematic for China. No President ever caused them more trouble and he was going nowhere. Trump was cruising to a second term on the strength of the booming American economy. China needed to put a stop to that. Normally they would just bribe the problematic politician. That would not work with a patriotic Billionaire like Trump.
I think most people will admit that many world leaders and much of the American bureaucracy had reasons to get rid of Trump. Despite that it is still hard to accept that the original impetus for lockdowns was election fraud. For those of you still struggling to believe, consider this. The machines used to stuff mail ballots into envelopes were ordered on March 1st 2020 before any lockdowns had been announced. How could they have possibly known mail in ballots would be used in the November election?
Lockdowns were not about eliminating a virus. Lockdowns were about eliminating one problematic politician. The only reason they were used after November 2020 was that politicians enjoy them so much.