We only know what it absolutely cannot be

The largest propaganda outlet in Canada, the CBC, just noticed a lot of people are dying in Nova Scotia.

“Unexpectedly high numbers of people are dying in an untimely fashion before they would normally,” said Moriarty, who is an associate professor at the University of Toronto.

To prove their point the CBC provides this very interesting graphic.

During the great global COVID plague of 2020 Nova Scotia had negative excess deaths.  Apparently COVID made everyone in the province healthier.  Then something happened in 2021 to ruin all that robust health.  Professor Moriarty is not sure what could have possibly affected everyone so abruptly and negatively, but she is absolutely certain what it was not.

Moriarty is calling on the province to explain what is behind the persistent, positive excess mortality numbers. She worries that without an explanation, purveyors of COVID-19 misinformation will argue that COVID-19 vaccines are to blame.

It absolutely, positively, cannot be the experimental, untested, treatment Justin Trudeau and his henchmen forced in to everyone’s veins.  You know the same safe and effective treatment Canada has just quietly stopped using.


Why did COVID skip Papua New Guinea?

My wife’s Uncle suggested that I take a look at Papua New Guinea.  It took me a few days to get around to it but he was right, Papua New Guinea is very interesting.  Papua New Guinea is a nation of 9.4 million people scattered across 600 islands, the largest of which they share with Indonesia.  But it is not Papua New Guinea’s geography that makes them so interesting.  What makes them interesting is that COVID never really happened in Papua New Guinea.

Almost no one has died of COVID in Papua New Guinea.  Despite only a 3% vaccination rate and very light lockdowns, Papua New Guinea had one of the lowest COVID death totals in the world.  The only country that shares a land border with Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, used 25 times as many vaccine doses and had 7 times more deaths.  Canada, where Prime Moron Justin Trudeau claims to have saved every Canadian from COVID by freezing bank accounts, had 20 times as many COVID deaths.  I guess Trudeau’s goons, the RCMP, just did not beat enough truckers.

Is Papua New Guinea’s success solely due to not transferring wealth to Pfizer?  Undoubtable that helped but there was something else going on as well.  Since before 2017 Papua New Guinea has been struggling with an outbreak of Lymphatic Filariasis, a disease caused by parasitic worms.  Guess what they were using to treat the parasites; Ivermectin.  Ivermectin is so commonly used in Papua New Guinea that, much to the chagrin of the local COVIDiots, doctors were also prescribing it to treat COVID.

Papua New Guinea is just one more example of how Ivermectin out performs the COVID vaccines.  Every highly vaccinated country had more problems with COVID after vaccination than before vaccination.  The COVID vaccines are the first Vaccine in history to increase the prevalence of the disease.  By contrast regular use of Ivermectin controls COVID so well that it is hardly noticeable.

Wealthy Countries like Canada employ armies of doctors and researchers in public health.  What the hell are they doing if they are not studying countries like Papua New Guinea?  How could they not notice how badly they were being outperformed by countries with completely different approaches?  Tragically, the answer to that question is that they did notice; they just did not do anything about it.

Millions of people died from COVID because governments refuse to use proven effective treatments.  These are intentional decisions that resulted in millions of deaths.  How is this not mass murder?

A master class in how Evil People manipulate the Masses

A friend sent me this audio clip 2 days ago.  Michael Campbell normally discusses financial matters but on March 4th his opening monologue dealt with the COVID Pandemic response.


Michael Campbell is too charitable.  He thinks mistakes were made because we did not know enough.  That is not true.  SARS COV-2 is a new virus but it is still a virus.  We knew enough about airborne viruses to know that none of the mitigation measures would work.  We also knew that after decades of research no one had been able to produce a successful coronavirus vaccine which made odds of creating one in 2 months laughably small.

It is encouraging that people are finally willing to discuss what happened but most are still not willing to admit that this was a criminal conspiracy.  I think that most people can’t believe in a conspiracy because of the sheer size of this fraud.  The plandemic engulfed most of the world and people struggle to believe a conspiracy of that size could exist.  They just don’t realize that a crime this large can be committed by a relatively small number of co-conspirators.  All they need are thousands of unwitting accomplices.


This crime was made possible by harnessing the energy of thousands of people.  Stupid people who did not realize they were being duped or that what they were doing was wrong.  The sheer number of people who cooperated out of ignorance is the reason we still can’t speak honestly about what happened.  None of the people who cooperated want to admit they were fooled.  They would rather attribute it to mistakes being made.

The people who planned this made no mistakes.  The people who cooperated made many mistakes over an extended period of time.  This just adds to their embarrassment.  Not only were they fooled but they were fooled for long after they should have realized something was amiss.  Rational people understood that this was being orchestrated because simple mistakes could not explain why we persisted for so long with things that were obviously not working.  That is why I wrote this nearly 2 years ago.

The world had several data points disproving the lockdown hypothesis last summer.  Any “leader” who continued with lockdowns had to be willfully ignorant.  Incredibly, almost every western nation continued with their lock down policies.  This has gone way past the point of simple stupidity.  There is no way these people can be that stupid.  Trudeau level stupidity is quite rare.  

Whether people want to believe it or not, it is obvious that COVID was a planned event.  At times the conspirators even slip up and admit as much.


Ask yourself these 2 questions.  Why would Moderna spend money to produce a hundred thousand vaccine doses for a virus that had yet to be discovered?  And, how could they know production must be ramped up for this yet undiscovered virus?  Business planning is very easy when you are part of the conspiracy.

Many people are desperate to write off three years of tyranny as unfortunate mistakes.  That might work for now but the discussion of the mistakes will inevitably lead to the conclusion I drew more than 2 years ago.  This could not have been a mistake; not everyone is as stupid as Justin Trudeau.  I think Igor Chudov put it very well yesterday.

I agree with Eugyppius that the people in governments, such as Matt Hancock or Boris Johnson, who implemented useless lockdowns and forced people to take unproven vaccines, are dumb.

I disagree with Eugyppius’s saying that the lock-step implementation of lockdowns in all countries was an accident and a “fruit of shallow low-wattage government functionaries who have a planning horizon extending no more than two weeks.”

Instead, the events of 2020 were planned and implemented in advance by ruthless Covid Globalists, who implemented their plans via corrupt media that they paid off, social media giants suppressing discussions, and hijacked science and pandemic modeling to further their plans. That effectively controlled the dumb people in governments.

We have not yet reached the bottom of the Dumb Ages

Every single COVID mitigation measure was stupid almost beyond belief.  Not a single thing we did had even the slightest chance of working but each one of them carried significant risk.  It was shocking how easily people accepted such dangerous, unscientific, nonsense.  From a public health perspective the COVID pandemic response was a disaster.  From a political policy perspective it was a rousing success.  Politicians got exactly what they wanted.  They were able to eliminate those pesky human rights and transfer our money to their friends.

The thing about success is that it spawns imitators.  Because we accepted stupid COVID restrictions we can expect more stupid climate policies and it does not get any more stupid than this.  The UN is considering a proposal to use SO2 to block the sun’s energy.  There are a couple reasons why this proposal is gigantically stupid and dangerous.  To start, SO2 is toxic.  This is what the CDC and the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety have to say about SO2.

Exposure to very high levels of sulfur dioxide can be life threatening. Exposure to 100 parts of sulfur dioxide per million parts of air (100 ppm) is considered immediately dangerous to life and health.

Inhalation: VERY TOXIC, can cause death. Can cause severe irritation of the nose and throat. At high concentrations: can cause life-threatening accumulation of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema). Symptoms may include coughing, shortness of breath, difficult breathing and tightness in the chest.

The high toxicity of SO2 was one of the reasons we have spent billions to keep it out of the atmosphere.

Having been assured that sulfur dioxide was bad for us, we spent billions of dollars eliminating it from coal and oil-burning emissions and building sulfur-capture technology to keep SO2 out of the atmosphere.

Now, it turns out that sulfur dioxide is good for us, and we need to spend even more untold billions to inject it into the atmosphere.

The science was settled until someone could make money from re-writing it, but that is not what concerns me most.  What concerns me most is total planetary extinction.  The earth cannot exist without energy from the sun.  Blocking that energy is extremely dangerous and unlike CO2 this could lead to the calamities Greta Thunberg dreams of.  In short, just like Greta, this is insane.

What we are told is climate science is actually political science.  The real science says there is no downside to higher CO2 concentrations.  The political science says there is real power from controlling energy and scaring people with fraudulent science is the best way to achieve that goal.  Just as COVID policies were never about a virus, climate policies are never about the climate.  Climate change is just a very convenient political tool and that is why the whole farce is driven by politicians cherry picking data.


John Kerry is a career politician not a scientist.  I sincerely doubt he could pass grade school science but that does not stop him from being a climate czar.   In that short clip Tomas Massie shows that the czar has no clothes.  Thomas Massie correctly shows it is easy to use incomplete data to scare people.  Climate charlatans always pick the lowest point and extrapolate up from there.  We keep getting told that CO2 is now higher than the last 800,000 years but the earth is 4.5 billion years old.  That means for 99.98% of the earth’s history CO2 was higher than it is now.  Kerry also neglects to tell people that while CO2 was lower the temperature was both hotter and colder than it is now.

CO2 is not a thermostat we can use to set the earth’s climate.  Even if we could no one can agree on what temperature to set it at.  As a Canadian I would definitely prefer a higher setting but I doubt I could get people in desert regions to agree.  Climate change policies have nothing to do with controlling the climate and preserving the earth for future generations.  Climate change policies are about controlling us and preserving wealth for the ruling class and their heirs.

Indeed, as Deutsche Bank’s Eric Heymann has noted, massive reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions can only come at the cost of declining middle-class standards of living, even in countries that were hitherto widely prosperous. To achieve this reversal, Heymann suggests, ‘a certain degree of eco-dictatorship will be necessary’.

That sounds pretty definitive to me.  They are not just planning to take money from me; they also plan to take democracy from me.  After 3 years of COVID arguable I don’t have any democracy left to take but I would still like to preserve what is left.  I certainly would also like to preserve what little bit of wealth I have been able to accumulate over 35 years of work.  But most of all I would like to keep the sunlight.

The climate emergency is another fake emergency concocted by dishonest, professional politicians.  If we want to save the earth we do not need less CO2 or less sunlight.  All we need is fewer politicians.

Border closures allowed Government time to do the Wrong Thing

A new study has been published that concludes border closures were not worth the economic cost.  My response to this study is to say simply thankyou Captain Obvious.  Border closures are the most extreme form of lockdown and even when lockdowns work they do not work.  All they do is delay the inevitable.  You cannot hide from a virus that has animal hosts.  The virus will never go away.  No matter how successful your lockdown is in the short term it will fail in the long run.

New Zealand is a country that was praised for closing their borders.  Closing their borders devastated their tourism industry for nothing.  It was short term pain for absolutely no gain.  The SARS COV-2 virus was in the country as soon as they re-opened.

Incredibly the authors still thought border closures could work if applied properly.  This is just like all the apologies for communism.  It always fails not because it is wrong but because it was not done properly.  If we only tried harder we could finally establish a workers paradise.

In the meantime, governments that were willing to endure the negative economic and social consequences of total or near-total border closures may have succeeded in temporarily slowing COVID-19 transmission in the first phase of the pandemic, which could have bought some countries additional time to implement more robust public health measures. However, unless governments made productive use of this extra preparation time, slowing the COVID-19 pandemic’s arrival might not have been worth the immense consequences of border closures.

Cancel culture is so pervasive that the study authors can’t bring themselves to state clearly that border closures did not work.  That would upset the tyrants that imposed them.  Instead they soften their words and insinuate border closures under the right circumstances might work.  This statement is technically incorrect for the reasons I explained above.  It is also practically incorrect because it depends on government using the time to do the right thing.  It does not matter how much time you give government they will never do the right thing.

The Greatest Violation of Medical Ethics in History

The entire COVID pandemic response was not just misguided it was criminal.  Not a single mitigation measure forced on the public worked but each one came with enormous cost.  Some caused financial calamity while others caused injury and death.  COVID should have been a laughable easy “emergency” to handle.  Almost all the deaths were in nursing homes.  All the people in need of protection were gathered together in easily identifiable locations but instead of focusing on these locations government closed fitness facilities and playgrounds.

Government took a small problem and through either incompetence or malice turned it in to a large problem.  In the last 3 years more people were killed by government than were killed by COVID.  In short everything done by government in the last 3 years deserves contempt but nothing was more disgusting than experimenting on pregnant women.

Young women and children had a statistically zero risk from COVID.  There was absolutely no reason to give them an experimental treatment but government did anyway.  We are now seeing the results of this heinous decision.  Still births in some locations have doubled while miscarriages and conception issues are increasing everywhere.


Women took the Jabs after being re-assured that they were safe.  There was no possible way anyone administering the jabs could have known the jabs were safe because they were never tested on pregnant women or women trying to conceive.


The Jab manufacturers actually started trials on pregnant women but the trials were suspended.  There simply was no sense running a trial when governments were already injecting millions of pregnant women.  Government made the decision to inject pregnant women without waiting for the results of the trials and for some bizarre reason medical professionals went along with this disastrous decision.  In Doctor Thorpe’s words this is “the greatest violation of medical ethics in history”.  I really can’t argue with that.

They might not be Smart but they Knew

Someone in the UK has leaked WhatsApp messages between key cabinet ministers and bureaucrats.  The messages show that the UK government knew COVID was not really a problem and the lockdowns were not needed or justified.  Below is one particularly revealing exchange involving then Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Health Minister Matt Hancock.

This exchange shows they all understood COVID was not a serious problem but they were determined to concoct an excuse for lockdowns.  Boris Johnson even admitted seniors would not likely agree with shutting down the economy over a highly survivable flu.  That was why they never gave anyone a choice.  To me, the most remarkable thing about this exchange was the decision to shut down the economy was made by a man that did not know 0.04 and 4% is the same thing.  Boris Johnson felt qualified to play god with lives and he is not even capable of grade school math.  That encapsulates COVID in a nut shell don’t you think?

They clearly knew what they were doing was wrong yet they did it anyway.  Obviously their objective with the lockdowns had nothing to do with mitigating COVID.  Their real motivation was rooted in criminal corruption.  Not surprisingly they don’t want us to know that.  Instead they would rather that we just forget what they did.


I for one will never forget or forgive what they did.  They destroyed lives.  The constant fear mongering and lies resulted in mental illness.  Some people were so afraid of cold and flu season they isolated themselves and lived in squalor.  When fear was not enough the government stepped in to remove choice.  This elderly couple was forced to remain apart for a full year.


Forget about asking them about the economy; what do you think this couple would have said about losing a year together at the end of their lives?  What if one of them had died during their enforced isolation?  How could anyone think that this was the right thing to do?  The absolute cruelty of this is unforgivable and this is not even the worst thing government did.  This couple was lucky the government didn’t just euthanize them.


None of what they did can be justified.  The only science they were following was political science.  They destroyed lives with absolutely no remorse.  They had their own selfish motivation for all of this.  In time I am certain we will find that the motivation was money.  Do not forget and do not forgive.  Anything these sociopaths get away with they will do again.

COVID’s Silver Lining

Almost 4 weeks ago a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine.  The media was very interested for a few moments until someone explained that it was in Ohio and not the Middle East.  With nothing they could blame on Israel the media turned their attention back to the Ukraine where they can blame everything on Putin.

It wasn’t just the media that ignored East Palestine.  The entire American government also worked very hard to be anywhere but East Palestine.  Joe Biden flew half way around the world with another bag of cash for Zenensky just to avoid going to East Palestine who’s residents did not have the foresight to pay Hunter Biden.  Politicians who did not completely ignore East Palestine generally showed up for long enough to drink a glass of water and assure the residents that they are safe, but no one in East Palestine buys that.

For the past two weeks, Ohio’s Republican governor Mike DeWine has also tried to reassure the public that their water is safe to drink and their air is safe to breathe. On Tuesday, he made home visits in the town and drank the tap water to prove it.

But few people here trust the authorities.

Funny how that works isn’t it?  For 3 years the government lied about COVID and now no one trusts the government.  It is normal for Government to lie but it was never normal for everyone to be aware government was lying.  Pre-COVID most people had a naïve trust of government which was odd considering the terrible things government has done in the past.  Post COVID, however, that has all changed.  The COVID lies were so egregious even the most gullible are starting to question government.

It is a little odd to think that the COVID hysteria and accompanying government tyranny had a silver lining but in a way it did.  COVID woke up a lot of people to the nature of government.  Trust has been destroyed and that is a good thing because government never deserved that trust.  Government is a necessary evil.  We can’t get rid of it so we need to keep it on a very short leash and question every decision it makes.

The COVID narrative is finally being questioned and I hope that spills over to climate change.  For 3 years Government told us they were carefully following the COVID science yet they still managed to be wrong 100% of the time.  For more than 3 decades we have heard the same thing about climate change.  What do you think the odds are that they got that one right?

After 3 years of COVID people should know the answer to that.  The climate emergency is a lie.  Everything the government/media has told you about it is a lie.  The only difference between the COVID emergency and the climate emergency is that the government has been lying about climate change for much longer than they have been lying about COVID.  They have been lying about Climate change for so long that the lies have wormed their way into schools where they are presented as fact.

Education is another area where balance has been replaced by hysteria-inducing propaganda. Children shown demonstrating on the news are often borderline hysterical. No doubt their teachers didn’t bother to tell them that man-made global warming is a theory not a proven fact, and that it’s okay to talk about different opinions.

On the surface the Climate emergency and COVID emergency might seem to be unrelated but they are not.  They are both manufactured crises that government uses for the same purpose.  COVID was a great excuse for government to transfer your wealth to their billionaire friends and so is climate change.

Biden’s green energy grants are going to groups funded by the same people who poured money into dark money groups that helped get Biden elected

President Joe Biden’s taxpayer-funded push to build a “clean energy economy” is benefiting the left’s most prominent billionaire megadonors, including Bill Gates and Laurene Powell Jobs, a Washington Free Beacon analysis found.

Nothing that the government does for your safety really is for your safety.  It is all done for the benefit of government and their rich friends.  Pre-COVID far too few people understood that, but things are changing.  COVID has resulted in a slow awakening.  Many more people now understand the true nature of government.  They understand that if it comes from government, the safe assumption is that it is a lie.


Beyond Stupid

The airline industry is in shambles right now.  Cancelled fights are becoming routine.  The airlines are blaming the cancellations on scheduling problems but that really isn’t true.  It does not matter how carefully you schedule you cannot schedule flights with pilots you don’t have.  The pilot shortage was caused by the COVID vaccines.  Some pilots quit rather than take it while many more are no longer fit to fly because they did take it.

In the US the Federal Aviation Administration broke their own rules by mandating pilots get vaccinated.  Prior to COVID pilots were not allowed to take any medication that was not fully approved by the Food and Drug Commission (FDC).  An emergency use authorization was not acceptable.  By the older rules pilots would not be allowed to take the COVID jabs even if they wanted to.  But with COVID that all changed.  Pilots were not just allowed to take an experimental treatment they were forced to take it.  They even went so far as to threaten pension benefits for any pilot who chose to retire rather than take chances with their health.

The government then really turned up the heat.  I received two separate phone calls, one from my supervisor and the other from my Union Representative.  In both calls, I was advised that if I retired to avoid the disciplinary period, that an unspecified amount of my retirement annuity could be confiscated. 

The FAA forced their pilots to take an unnecessary chance and now everyone is paying the price.  There are simply not enough healthy pilots to fill all the vacancies but, not to worry; the FAA has come up with an innovative solution.  They just redefined healthy.  Now pilots with vax damaged hearts are allowed to fly.  This is a sure recipe for disaster.  Vax damaged hearts can stop so quickly young men have died sitting upright in a chair.

What if he had been sitting at the controls of a jet instead of at home in his kitchen?  How many people would he have taken with him?

It is easy to imagine accidents caused by the sudden death of a pilot but it does not take sudden death to cause an accident a moment of confusion is enough for that.


The lipid nanoparticles can cross the blood brain barrier.   Only a fool would think that this could not affect cogitative abilities.  In fact Brain fog was one of the first vaccine injuries documented.

It appears for common, everyday activity most people don’t notice much of an impact. On the other hand, people who have to make regular critical technical decisions on the job may find a lack of clarity an uncomfortable intrusion.

We were told the brain fog was temporary or that it was caused by long COVID.  But like everything else about COVID this was a lie.  The Brain fog in some cases does not appear to be temporary and long COVID is a vaccine injury.  None of this happens without the vaccine.

Pilot and air traffic controller are two of the highest stress occupations anyone can do.  Both require strong hearts and clear heads.  People can die when pilot or a controller has a medical emergency or even a moment of confusion.  Forcing pilots and controllers to take a treatment that damages hearts and cognitive ability is beyond stupid.

Unfortunately the only thing that exists beyond stupid is government.