After 19 months and billions of administered doses all of the commonly used COVID vaccines are still being used under emergency use authorization. Pfizer and Moderna have no interest in full approval until the FDA approves the vaccine for children. This is because emergency use and child approved treatments come with blanket immunity; the manufacturer cannot be sued for injuries.
The fact that Moderna and Pfizer are not interested in approval means that they know just how dangerous their products are. Don’t worry though they have found a solution, but not to vaccine safety, just to the pesky liability problem. Pfizer and Moderna want to continue with the emergency use authorization and have the right to change the vaccine formulation without any further testing.
Pfizer and Moderna are seeking a similar arrangement used for flu vaccines. Flu vaccines change every year based on which strains the pharmaceutical companies think will be dominant this year. Each flu shot purportedly contains separate components targeting different flu viruses. This is exactly what Pfizer and Moderna are proposing. Each shot will carry more than one type of mRNA. Your body will be programmed to produce more than one type of spike protein based on the best guess of which variants will be circulating.
I will admit that there are similarities between flu shots and mRNA COVID jabs, neither one works. There is, however, a significant difference in terms of safety. While flu shots have never been shown to be effective they have not been particularly dangerous. They don’t work but they are unlikely to kill you. The same cannot be said about COVID jabs.
There is mounting evidence that mRNA is not safe. One of the most common problems is Myocarditis which is far more prevalent than the government will admit. Not only is mRNA associated with myocarditis we have evidence that higher mRNA concentrations lead to higher risk for myocarditis. Moderna uses twice as much as Pfizer and produces almost 4 times as much myocarditis.
The risk of Myocarditis, a potentially fatal condition, increases exponentially with the amount of mRNA in the jab. That is what makes this proposal so insane. There is no way to treat for multiple variants without significantly increasing the amount of mRNA in each jab. If you want to treat for 3 variants you would need 3 times as much mRNA which will lead to 9 times as much myocarditis.
If we go down this road anyone who survives the multitude of other deadly side effects will live out their shortened life with a damaged heart. Months ago I said we are setting a dangerous precedent. New treatments need almost no testing before roll out. Now we are discussing going down the road of no testing at all. If that is where we are going why do we even need agencies like the FDA?