Criminally stupid or just criminal?

A German mathematician has done a study that found the government was lying about the severity of COVID.

Comparing excess mortality to the reported number of COVID-19 deaths reveals that the number of COVID-19 deaths largely exceeds the observed amount of excess mortality in the first pandemic year.

And that excess deaths went up rather than down after everyone got vaccinated which led to the obvious conclusion that the jabs did more harm than good.

The observation from Section 3.4 that the increase in excess mortality in the second and third year of the pandemic are positively correlated to the vaccination rate is an irrefutable empirical fact, and means that the more people have been vaccinated in a federal state the more excess mortality increased. Such a pattern would be expected if the vaccinations had caused more negative effects instead of positive effects

None of this is at all surprising to anyone who has been paying attention.  Denis Rancourt has covered this ground in greater detail for a larger number of countries already.  This is what all sane people already know.  An experimental treatment with at best marginal benefits will likely be net harmful.  The COVID jabs were a very bad idea.  At best the Jab mandates were criminally stupid.  At worst they were mass murder.

One more treatment that would have derailed the EUAs

Researchers have found that the weight loss drug Ozempic cut COVID deaths by 1/3.  They did not set out to test Ozempic as a COVID remedy.  This discovery was just a little bit of serendipity.  They were doing a long-term study on Ozempic users when COVID hit.  As the pandemic stretched on, they noticed a that people in the Ozempic group died of COVID less often than the control group.

According to the researchers, 232 people on the weight loss drug experienced serious adverse events compared to 277 of those who were not on it, and 43 died compared to 65 who were not on it. 

Overall, patients on semaglutide (the active ingredient in Ozempic) had a 33 percent lower chance of dying from the sickness. 

The vaccines received emergency approval because the official narrative was that COVID had no treatment.  Like all other official narratives that was a lie.  COVID has turned out to be one of the most treatable diseases in history.  It is getting very difficult to find a drug or vitamin that does not produce positive results for COVID.  The problem is that the government did not allow doctors to use any of them.  I am sure had the government gotten wind of this Ozempic trial they would have shut it down and banned Ozempic.

The government needed dead people to justify the vaccines, so they went out of their way to produce dead people.  It was never about a virus or your safety.  COVID was senior decisions makers in government pursuing pharmaceutical kickbacks.  It was murder for profit, and we are letting the Bastards get away with it.

They knew, they did not care, and we are still paying their salaries

Sorry I haven’t posted much lately.  I have been travelling for work and staying quite busy.  While I have been travelling My friend sent me this blog post that links this study.  I also found this admission of guilt by the Edmonton Police on X @YakkStack.

First the study.  It is a study to determine if wearing a mask all day might somehow be harmful to your health.  They did not collect any new data, they just combed through already published studies to see if anyone had identified potential problems.  They found 24 studies that identified multiple toxins that can be trapped in the mask and toxins that were released by the masks.  It should come as no surprise that cheap disposable masks are made of cheap disposable materials which can be inhaled.

Undoubtedly, mask mandates during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic have been generating an additional source of potentially harmful exposition to toxins with health threatening and carcinogenic properties at population level with almost zero distance to the airways.

Masks can also trap bacteria and pollutants that can be inhaled if the mask is not changed regularly.  Pre-COVID there were studies indicating that many deaths during the Spanish flu were not influenzas.  They were misdiagnosed bacterial pneumonia which likely came from wearing a dirty cloth mask.  Be honest now.  Did you dispose of your disposable mask or did you put it in your pocket to please the next insane shop keeper having a hissy fit over your unmasked face?

If you are keeping score at home, these are the things that masks do.

  1. Masks make it difficult to breathe, which puts you in a state of mild hypoxia that weakens your immune system and makes you more likely to get sick.
  2. Masks trap bacteria and toxins that can be breathed in if you re-use a dirty mask.
  3. Low quality masks are made of materials that release toxins that can be inhaled by the user.

And here is a list of things that Masks don’t do

  1. Protect you from COVID or any other airborne pathogen as small as a virus.

Masks did not work and are potentially harmful.  Everyone involved with the mask mandates had to have known this because much of the research on masks predates COVID.  You know what else does not work and is potentially harmful; The COVID Jabs.  I have been saying since the start of the Jab programs that there is no way the people mandating the Jabs thought they were safe.  If you did not know before people started taking them, you certainly should have known after thousands of jabbed people fell ill.  I have previously posted information that Canadian re-incarnation of Dr. Mengele, Dr. Bonnie Henry, was aware the vaccines were harming people and now this has been released showing the Edmonton Police service also knew the jabs were harming their officers.

Senior public servants are stupid, but they are not that stupid.  They knew the things they were forcing on Canadians were both ineffective and dangerous.  That knowledge should have stopped them, but it did not.  If their career advancement depended on harming someone else, they were only too happy to do it.  I hate that my tax dollars are used to pay the salaries of these sociopaths.  I would much rather my tax dollars be used to pay for their incarceration.