The Freedom Convoy is an existential threat to Political Corruption

Donald Trump was an outsider.  He did not accumulate his fortune by peddling political favors.  Unlike his predecessors and the rest of the Washington elite, Trump was not there to make money from the system.  This made Trump an existential threat to a cozy system that had made millionaires out of vile and talentless people.  All stops were pulled out to get rid of Donald Trump.  Every weapon at the establishment’s disposal was brought to bear.  The establishment was ultimately successful in removing Trump but in the process they exposed the enormous political and media corruption that exists.

The Freedom Convoy is having the same effect now in Canada.  Truckers and their supports are not part of the corrupt government/media alliance.  They are outsiders who have no desire to be a leech on the Canadian taxpayers.  The Freedom convoy is an existential threat to the system.  If Canadian taxpayers ever learn that the power lies with people and not government, 155 years of accumulated corruption will come crashing down.

The government/media alliance is reacting to the threat the same way they reacted to the threat Donald Trump posed.  They are attacking on all fronts.  The shock troops are always the media.  They get sent in first.  Canadian Media has jumped to the task of painting the protesters as violent terrorists.  This is no small task since there has been no violence and the Truckers are out in force shoveling sidewalks and feeding homeless in Ottawa.

That is not really a problem for Canadian media; they have never been averse to fabricating a story.  First they make Canadians believe there is a large and growing counter protest.

Millions of people across Canada were out protesting the mandates yesterday and the only story worth reporting was a dozen counter protesters?

Next they make you believe that violence between the protesters and counter protesters is inevitable.

The only violence to date has been people harassed for wearing masks?  For 2 years people have been harassed and physically assaulted for not wearing a mask yet somehow that was never reported as violence.  There has been no real violence from any of the freedom convoy protesters but the media is certain that when counter protesters show up there will be violence.  Doesn’t that imply that it will be the counter protesters who initiate the violence?  I sincerely doubt the truckers can be goaded in to violence by the soy boys in the counter protest but again the media does not require truth to construct a narrative.

The media is constructing a false narrative about the protesters being violent terrorists to provide justification for the government to use violence against the freedom convoy.  Several politicians have called for bringing in the military and the Ottawa police Chief has promised to ramp up his own illegal activities.  To make sure his officers fall in line he has threatened them publicly.


Any officer supporting the protest, in any way, will be prosecuted.  Prosecuted for what?  Did the Ottawa police chief just invent the charge of aiding and abetting free speech?

This rhetorical ramp up has not been lost on the protesters.  Here is their lawyer appealing to Canadians for support.


Our Government is playing a dangerous game.  They are getting desperate as they watch their hold on power slip.  They are lashing out now before their snout gets pushed out of the public trough permanently.  They are moving boldly, and illegally, at a time when they should exercise caution.  Support for the truckers is already far more wide spread than they think.  Just ask these 2 Ladies.


1 reply
  1. Trevor Boyce
    Trevor Boyce says:

    I’m sorry, but can someone explain to me what the “counter protesters” are protesting?
    Are they saying they are:
    AGAINST the Right of free speech?
    AGAINST the Right to do with your body what you choose?
    AGAINST the Right to travel freely within your own country?
    FOR Discrimination based on medical status?
    FOR removal of privacy rights?
    FOR segregation/apartheid?

    I just want to understand what is so objectionable about allowing people to decide for themselves what they want to THINK or BELIEVE or DO or where they want to GO. I would honestly like to have this explained to me.

    It seems to me that if the social contract is changed so that they can tell me what I can do, that
    means I can tell them what to do. Is that what they are fighting for?

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