Europe turns back from Feudalism as Canada Embraces it

Now even France is dropping their Vaccine passports.

That leaves Canada as one of the few countries in the world still using Vaccine passports.  Most provinces have stopped using them.  That is to say that they have stopped forcing business owners to break the law by asking customers to disclose personal information.

The Federal government under Justin Trudeau is a different story however.  Vaccine passports are still needed for any federally regulated travel.  Unvaccinated Canadians cannot leave the country by plane, train, or boat.  Justin Trudeau also managed to convince Joe Biden’s care takers to institute vaccine passports for cross border land travel.  Of course this does not apply to the 2 million people who walk across the Mexican border illegally every year.  The policy seems to be specific to Canadians.

Unvaccinated Canadians are effectively prisoners in their own country.  This is a clear violation of the Charter of rights.  Unfortunately by now Canadian’s are painfully aware that our charter is not worth the paper it is written on.  Politicians can ignore it any time they want with no pushback from the police or judiciary.  They need only scream “the sky is falling” for laws and common sense to be suspended.  Incredibly they don’t need an actual emergency, just an emergency declaration; the sky can stay right where it is.

But Trudeau is a globalist right?  A lover of all things not Canadian.  Surely he would care about treaties drafted by the UN right?  Especially treaties that Canada help draft and sign like the universal declaration of human rights.  Here is Article 13 of that treaty.


(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State.

(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.


So according to the UN I have the right to leave my country.  According to Justin I do not.  It is not correct to call Justin Trudeau a globalist.  If he was he would abide by this international treaty that Canada signed in 1948.  Trudeau believes in Feudalism.  He believes he is a king.  He and his friends have a divine right to rule therefore he is not bound by laws or treaties.  Feudalism died in Europe with the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215.  It is shocking that it has been revived in Canada in the 21st century by the imbecilic son of a communist dictator.  Even more shocking is how Canadians allowed this to happen.