Leading vs lagging, the slow burn of stupid politicians

During the Steven Harper years I had a work colleague who was a staunch liberal.  She was giddy over the prospect of Justin Trudeau taking over the liberal party and becoming prime minister.  When I asked her why she supported the liberals her answer was that liberal times are good times and to a certain extent she is correct.  Liberal politicians always spend a lot of money and increase social programs.  They also hire a lot of people for imaginary jobs.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau added another 10,525 bureaucrats to the taxpayer payroll last year. Since becoming prime minister, he has added more than 108,000 new federal bureaucrats.

That’s a 42 per cent increase in the federal bureaucracy in less than a decade.

Ask yourself, are you getting 42 per cent better services from the federal government? Unless your paycheque comes from taxpayers, the answer is a big fat no.

All the money that they spend does tend to cause an economic boost.  But the problem is that they always spend money that they don’t have.  Eventually, all the spending drives inflation and taxes must be raised to pay for all the new civil “servants” to sit around and provide no value.  Things are good until they are not.

This cycle takes a very long time.  If you have a cooperative media which the left always does have, the bad news can be obscured for a very long time.  Justin Trudeau has been doing the wrong thing for 9 years and it is only now catching up with him.  The economy is stagnant.  People no longer have disposable income for things like new cars.

This should come as no surprise. Years of poor policies have left Canadians with a stagnant economy and declining living standards. Despite the Trudeau government’s recent focus on younger generations, young people appear to be the most pessimistic of all.


According to OECD projections, Canada will have the lowest projected average annual growth rate of GDP per person (at 0.78 per cent) from 2030 to 2060. That’s  when our GDP per person will be below the OECD average by $8,617. This represents a swing of more than $11,000 from where it was in 2002.


New car inventory in the US rose 36% this year, close to February 2021 levels before the supply chain crisis put a dent in imports. Yet, the average list price of a new car is $49,096 and far more than the average American can afford. The average new vehicle will sit in a dealer’s lot for 65 days, a 41% annual increase.

Economists talk about leading and lagging indicators.  They do not declare a recession until the economy shrinks but by then it is too late.  You are already in a recession and unemployment is destined to increase.  A leading indicator would be things like new car sales so we should not be ignoring the auto industry’s struggles, but we will.  Canada is headed for tough economic times and the liberals to an election defeat.  They know it.  That is why they are using their remaining time in office to destroy evidence of their financial crimes.

The Trudeau Liberals have abruptly scrubbed dozens of Government of Canada web pages detailing more than $24 billion in payments to COVID-19 contractors, per Blacklock’s Reporter. 

After a decade of mismanagement Canadians will change Trudeau for Poilievre.  Poilievre will be stuck with and blamed for the mess Trudeau caused.  With luck he will clean up some of it but even if he does, the voters will not reward him for it.  Canadians are such short-term thinkers they will vote liberal again in search of those liberal good times and the whole cycle will start again.  You cannot fix a country full of Canadians.