How many times must I say it? They all knew

I found these plots on twitter last week.

The sharp rise in cancer in highly vaccinated countries is finally starting to get attention.  Recently Robert Malone testified before congress about the link between rising cancer rates and the COVID Jabs.  In his testimony he pointed out that Moderna’s own patent documents identify the risk of cancer from DNA contamination.

“Moderna has a patent on the use of RNA for vaccines,” Dr Malone stated. “And in that, Moderna explicitly acknowledges that RNA is superior to DNA for vaccine purposes because problems, including the possibility of insertional mutagenesis that could lead to the activation of oncogenes or the inactivation of tumour suppressor genes.”

This is getting attention now but it is really old news.  The DNA contamination was discovered over a year ago. One year ago it was identified as a risk and as I pointed out in July of last year the manufacturing process is prone to DNA contamination.

What I found both alarming and disgusting was how the contamination happens.  The DNA is an inevitable result of the mRNA manufacturing process.  From the description given of the manufacturing process it would seem that producing an uncontaminated product is next to impossible. 

I even speculated at the time that Moderna and Pfizer must have known that contamination was likely and dangerous.

Everyone involved must have known this.  They also must have known that the contamination could be deadly.

There are many recurring themes on this blog but the most common and disturbing one is that THEY KNEW.  Everyone involved with the Jabs knew that they were unlikely to work and were potentially deadly.  The Jabs were all risk for no reward.  There is no benign explanation for forcing a treatment on to people that is essentially 100% downside risk.

When will someone go to prison for this?

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