Swapping a once a century moron for a garden variety tyrant

Canadians are a very docile and will fully ignorant population.  The media blows smoke up their backsides telling them how Canada is leading on the world stage.  That is delusional.  The reality is the Canadian economy is not leading unless we are in a race to the bottom.  Canadians who swallow the liberal government narrative don’t understand relatively speaking Canadians are now poor and are getting poorer every day.

In 2023, while 13.5% of Americans households grappled with food insecurity— characterized by low or very low food security (USDA-ERS, 2024) — the rate in Canada was significantly higher at 22.9% (Proof Toronto, 2024). This suggests that food insecurity in Canada is a staggering 69.6% more prevalent than in the United States — a deeply unsettling statistic.

1 out of every 4 Canadians have difficulty feeding themselves.  10 years ago, that ratio was much lower but 10 years ago we did not have a prime minister who struggled with basic math.  10 years ago, we had an adult at the helm of the economy, but he was boring.  Canadians instead preferred a flashy moron with a famous name.  The results of our collective stupidity were completely predictable.  The economic imbecile who admires communism and thinks budgets balance themselves has dug a hole so deep we may never climb out of it.

It took nearly two dozen prime ministers and a century and a half for the federal government to rack up $616 billion in debt, which is where the total stood before Trudeau’s first year in office. But less than a decade later, on Aug. 30 of this year, the debt has officially doubled to $1.232 trillion.

I am not a fan of any Canadian Prime Minister who has served during my lifetime.  The best one gets barely a passing grade from me, but our current prime minister is in a category of his own.  In only 9 years he has caused as much economic damage as every other prime minister in our history combined.  Trudeau is not just an idiot.  He is a special idiot.  One that comes along only once per century.

Canadians have finally noticed that having a communist adoring imbecile as Prime Minister is not actually a good thing.  Trudeau’s popularity is tanking and so are the prospects of the liberal party ever forming another government.  There is not a single liberal in Canada that is concerned with the damage they have done to Canadians.  But every one of them is concerned with the damage Trudeau has done to their chances of re-election.  That is why they have turned to Mark Carney as their savior.

Mark Carney is a Harvard educated economist who has served as both the head of the bank of Canada and the Bank of England.  Carney certainly understands economics far better than Trudeau.  The problem is that he does not care about economics any more than Trudeau does.  Carney, like Trudeau, is only concerned with power.  Specifically, the power to keep ordinary people down and in their place.

Carney’s emphasis on fighting climate change leads Foster to quote the famous American writer H. L. Mencken as saying that: “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false-front for the urge to rule.”

In short, Carney’s ultimate goal “is a technocratic dictatorship justified by climate alarmism.”

Carney will not save Canada.  He will not also improve our economy because he will pursue the same destructive climate policies Trudeau has.  While on paper Mark Carney looks nothing like Trudeau, in practice he will be exactly like Trudeau.  His empty virtue signally on the environment will continue to destroy the Canadian economy.  The only real difference between the 2 men is that Carney will understand just how much damage he is doing.  He is evil not stupid.

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