The next Manufactured Pandemic will be worse

One thing I have said many times on this blog and on X is that they will do it again.  There will be another fabricated pandemic.  Why wouldn’t they do it?  The last one succeeded beyond, I am sure, their wildest dreams.  We all complied and sat mutely while our rights were trampled and the public treasuries were looted.  COVID was the largest fastest wealth transfer in history.  That is a polite way of saying it was the largest theft in history.

Our governments faked a pandemic as a smoke screen for theft but COVID was not just the largest theft in history.  A fake pandemic could not be sustained for 4 years without actual bodies and governments went out of their way on that front as well.  Government enforced medical neglect and vaccine mandates have now produced more deaths that WW1.

Government then went on to Kill by some estimates 7 to 14 million more with COVID jabs.  For those of you keeping score at home, the death total 4 years in to this government killing spree is 14 to 21 million. That is roughly equivalent to WW1.  The only significant difference is that WW1 ended after 4 years but there is no end in sight to our current madness.  WW1 ended when one side surrendered.  The COVID killing spree didn’t start until after we surrendered in March of 2020.  Maybe we should try fighting instead.

Governments killed citizens to fake a pandemic in order to steal in broad daylight and it worked.  Most people still refuse to believe that COVID was a crime.  The net result is that no one has been punished for their role in the largest theft and mass murder in history.  Fortunes were made through murder.  The sociopaths that committed this crime got exactly what they wanted which guarantees they will do it again.  The only difference is that next time it will be worse.

How can I be so sure that they will do it again on even a larger scale?  Well, in the Case of Canada they are laying the legal groundwork to do exactly that.  Bill C293 just passed the third reading in parliament.  All it needs now is a final vote in the senate and the next planned pandemic can start.

Bill C293 is called the pandemic preparedness act.  The government is pretending that it is necessary to be better prepared for the next pandemic.  The first part of the bill even seems to do that.

  • (i) identify preparedness strategies for public health services across Canada including in respect of

    • (i) the protection of vulnerable and marginalized populations,

    • (ii) working conditions of essential workers across all sectors,

    • (iii) the availability and management of relevant stockpiles, including testing equipment and personal protective equipment,

    • (iv) the surge capacity of human resources required for the testing and contact tracing of persons exposed to infectious diseases, and

    • (v) communication of risk to the public;

I am sure after reading that you are asking why I have a problem with any of that.  I mean isn’t that what you would want the government to do during a pandemic?  Even I would say that yes I want the government to do all of those things in the event of an actual emergency.  My problem is that there is nothing that would have prevented the government from doing any of this during COVID.  We do not need a new law enabling government to do what they are already free to do.  So what is the purpose of the bill then, if it does not remove any roadblocks preventing proper pandemic response?  Well you don’t have to read much further to get that answer.

  • (l) after consultation with the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Minister of Industry and provincial governments, provide for measures to

    • (i) reduce the risks posed by antimicrobial resistance,

    • (ii) regulate commercial activities that can contribute to pandemic risk, including industrial animal agriculture,

    • (iii) promote commercial activities that can help reduce pandemic risk, including the production of alternative proteins, and

    • (iv) phase out commercial activities that disproportionately contribute to pandemic risk, including activities that involve high-risk species;

During the next fabricated pandemic the government will have the right to;

    • (i) force vaccinate,
    • (ii) Shut down farming,
    • (iii) Force you to eat bugs and Bill Gates’s fake protein, and
    • (iv) Permanently shut down any business or industry that they do not like;

Anything they do not get punished for they will do again.  Only next time it will be worse.  The Sociopathic bastards in Ottawa just told us so.