Hate government as much as government hates you

It has been a strange 4.5 years.  One of the strangest thing to me at least is how incredibly, willfully blind people have been.  The government’s response to COVID had nothing to do with a virus.  Anyone capable of independent thought understood that from the announcement of the lockdowns.  Two weeks to flatten the curve was the most obvious fraud in history.  What did you think was going to happen after 2 weeks?  The virus was not going to go away and the hospitals were not magically going to become larger.  It was never about our protection yet somehow many people still cling to the belief that it was.

COVID was an all-out assault on ordinary citizens committed by the political elite.  The virus was just a pretext for a well planned and executed crime.  While you were locked in your home the political elite stole trillions from the public.  COVID was the largest wealth transfer in history and that is exactly what it was designed to be.  It was the largest crime in history and your government participated with great enthusiasm.

For the willfully blind who refuse to see the COVID response as a crime, I have this to say.  Wake up.  The government is not now nor have they ever been your friend.  Governments are a collection of sociopaths and useful idiot that hate you.  COVID might have lost its use as a weapon but that does not mean your government is done attacking you.  The latest weapons in your government’s one sided war against you are hate speech laws.

Nothing the government says is ever true.  The COVID response was never about protecting the public from COVID and the hate speech laws are not protecting you from hate.  How can you be protected from something that no one seems to be able to define?


To all those who support “hate speech” laws, I ask one simple question: how would you define the term in law?

In 2012, the European Court of Human Rights concluded that there “is no universally accepted definition” of the expression “hate speech”.

In 2020 when the government enforced measure that could not control an airborne virus we should have asked a simple yet dangerous question.  If these rules are not designed to control a virus, then what are they designed to control?  The answer is that the rules were to control us.  We were kept confined and separated so that we would not interfere with the crimes governments were committing.

The overwhelming majority were not willing to ask that question in 2020.  Some as I said won’t even ask it now which is dangerous because we should be asking a similar question about hate speech laws.  If hate speech laws do not protect us from hate what are they really designed to protect?

It is quite clear that the nebulous nature of “hate speech” laws leave them wide open to be weaponised against political opposition. And yet more and more nations are introducing them to the statute books.

Hate is in the eye of the beholder.  Since hate speech can’t be defined these laws can be used for anything and what the government will use them for is not what you think.  The government does not care if anyone hates you or even if anyone acts out on that hate.  These laws will never be used to protect the public.  Their sole purpose is to protect the government and they are already being used for just that.  A German court has used hate speech laws to punish a citizen for pointing out that masks were essential to the COVID crime.

“Masks are symbols of ideological conformity. That’s all that they are, and that’s all they ever were. Stop pretending that they were ever anything else or get used to wearing them.”

In January of this year, Hopkins was tried before the Tiergarten Berlin District Court and acquitted. In many countries that would be the end of it, but in Germany double jeopardy is not a thing. The prosecutor appealed, and Hopkins found himself on trial once again, this time before the Berlin Court of Appeals. Yesterday, the appellate court overturned his acquittal and found him guilty. He has been referred back to the Berlin District Court for sentencing.

C.J. Hopkins did not attack a religious or ethnic group.  He did not harm anyone.  Hopkins was however expressing hate.  He wanted everyone to know how much he hated his government.  COVID was a crime.  Governments know it was a crime because they were willing participants.  Hate speech laws are being used to stifle any discussion of the government’s role in the largest crime in history.  This is just the beginning.  If we allow these hate speech laws to stand everyone who disagrees with the government will find themselves in prison.

How big do you think the government’s next crime will be if no one is allowed to talk about it?

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