Is there anything that CO2 doesn’t cause?

Global warming alarmists have discovered that clouds are a major factor in climate change.

Last year was the hottest on record, oceans boiled, glaciers melted at alarming rates, and it left scientists scrambling to understand exactly why.

They know the extraordinary heat was fuelled by a number of factors, predominantly planet-heating pollution from burning fossil fuels and the natural climate pattern El Niño. But those alone did not explain the unusually rapid temperature rise.

Now a new study published Thursday in the journal Science says it has identified the missing part of the puzzle: clouds.

The first thing that should be noted is this is not new.  It has long been known that clouds have a major effect on the earth’s temperature.  Clouds are not the missing part of the puzzle they are the ignored piece of the puzzle.  The other thing that is not new is that the alarmists would immediately blame the lack of clouds on the warming which is of course blamed on CO2.  And, once again, according to the alarmist this means the future will be way worse than you think.  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.

If this is happening, future warming projections may be underestimated and “we should expect rather intense warming in the future,” Goessling said.

So CO2 causes global warming resulting in fewer clouds which drives even more warming.  This is another positive feedback loop that ends in fiery Armageddon.  I hope you are not afraid because this is just one more load of steaming crap from the global warming crowd.

A scientist from CERN proved decades ago that cloudiness is a function of the level of ionization in the atmosphere.  Low ionization gives clear skies and high temperatures.  High ionization gives cloudy skies and cooler temperatures.  The level of ionization in the atmosphere is determined by sun spot activity, solar winds, and our position in the galaxy.  This has nothing to do with CO2.  In fact the warming has almost nothing to do with CO2 and almost everything to do with clouds.

Once again the alarmists jump to the conclusion that everything is caused by CO2.  They ignore very well established science that points to a far more likely explanation.  Stop listening to the alarmists.  The alarmists who are not lying are completely insane.  CO2 is plant food.  It is not destroying the planet.  It makes life on the planet possible. Without CO2 we all die and that is way more alarming than warm weather.