An Open Letter to Jason Kenney

Last week responding to political pressure due to protests Jason Kenney loosened restrictions.  He tried to placate people by giving no definite time line for removing all restrictions and even alluded that restrictions may need to be re-imposed at a later date.  Basically all he did was the temporarily reduce illegal restrictions hoping it would be enough to send the protesters home.  Thankfully that did not happen.


Jason Kenney clearly does not get it.  Albertans are done with empty promises of regaining our rights at some future date in return for our complete compliance today.  Jason Kenney needs to go and he needs to go now.  It might be a little presumptuous of me but I have taken the liberty of composing an open letter to Jason Kenney on behalf of all freedom loving Albertans.


Dear Jason,


How much?  What will it cost to put this COVID tyranny behind us?

For nearly 2 years we have struggled to understand why you have destroyed our province over cold and flu season.  None of it makes sense.  Nothing you have done has benefited the people of Alberta and it certainly has not helped your political fortunes.  You are now unelectable in this province and you have destroyed the party you helped found only 3 years ago.  So why did you do any of this?

People tend to do things for love or money.  If love, then for whom?  Certainly not love for the people of Alberta that you are harming. Maybe Justin Trudeau? We know Justin Trudeau wants to destroy the country and you have followed him like a puppy at every juncture.  It is embarrassingly apparent that you are his number one Fan Boy.  You have dutifully aided Justin in dismantling our economy and dividing our community with fear. Your evident love for Justin eclipses even your predecessor’s love for him and that is really saying something.

Now I don’t mean to be cruel Jason, but I don’t think Justin feels the same way about you.  Deep down you must know this so we doubt your unrequited love for Justin Trudeau is driving your actions. And in any event, Love is unlikely to make anyone destroy an entire province.

So, if it is not Love then it is Money.  Who is paying?  Most likely it is the unending parade of pharmaceutical lobbyists moving through your office.  But no matter. We are OK with that; greed we can work with.

So back to the original question.  How much?


Add up everything you have been promised by all the Pharmaceutical companies and give us that number.  The citizens of this province will gladly double it or even triple it, to make you stop destroying our province and just go away.  We have only these few conditions:

  1. You must disclose the names of every company and lobbyist that has promised you money.
  2. Also, you must disclose the names of any other government officials accepting bribes.
  3. You must resign, pack up, and leave the province for good within 2 days of receiving the first payment.  We do not care where you go, just don’t come back.
  4. The balance of the money will be transferred to you once we have confirmed the information you have given us.


This offer is time sensitive.  It is valid only until we find another way to remove you from our lives permanently.

The People of Alberta realize that you are a dim bulb and may not completely understand our offer.  We have taken inspiration from Dr. Seuss to re-phrase our offer below in a way that you will surely understand.


The Time has come. The Time is now.

Just Go.  I don’t care how.

You can go by foot. You can go by cow.

You can go on skates. You can go on skis.

Just take the cash and go now please!


The People of Alberta.