Another debacle from Trudeau

Last night Justin Trudeau addressed the nation about the trade war he worked diligently to create.  The video can be seen here.  For me the speech can be divided in 3 parts.  The first part when Trudeau was speaking to Americans was actually quite good.  His speech writers did an excellent job highlighting the long friendly, mutually beneficial, relationship Canada has had with the United States.  Trudeau even did a good job of delivering this part of the speech.  He toned down his usually over the top theatrics and sanctimony; he almost came across as sincere.  When I watched the first part I was almost impressed but that didn’t last long as the last 2/3rd of the speech dissolved in the normal corrosive vat of Trudeau stupidity and lies.

The middle of the speech was when lies came out.  Trudeau spoke about diverting Canadian goods to other markets which sounds good but is almost impossible.  As I discussed yesterday Canada does not have the infrastructure necessary to get goods to the coasts for export.  This is because, contrary to what Trudeau said, Canada is not united.  We can’t even muster up enough unity for cooperation between the provinces let alone form a united front internationally.

Interprovincial trade barriers, which hinder the movement of goods and workers within the country, are a decades-old aggravation for the economy. These hurdles can make it more challenging for Canadian businesses to sell their products to other parts of the country than to the United States. Even as Canada faces the prospect of crippling U.S. tariffs, it is fighting another trade war – with itself.

“Let’s sit down and come up with a list, because everyone wants to protect something – no matter if it’s the dairy cow in Newfoundland, or the wine in B.C., or ourselves – everyone’s guilty,” he added.

In the final third of the speech Trudeau’s low IQ is laid bare.  He thinks Canada will win a trade war if Canadians just stop drinking Florida orange juice and American beer.  I guess no one on Trudeau’s staff bothered to tell him that the second most popular American beer in Canada (Coors) is actually Canadian.  Molson, one of the oldest companies in Canada, owns Coors.  But that is quintessentially Trudeau.  He is so stupid that he often does not lie intentionally.  Trudeau is simply too stupid to understand the facts on the ground or the implications of his decisions.  He had never done anything useful in his entire life until Canadians mad the incredible mistake of allowing him to be Prime Minister.  Justin Trudeau is uniquely unqualified for anything important and it shows.

The most divisive politician in Canadian history ended his speech with a call for unity.  That hypocritical moron actually asked Canadians to wrap themselves in the flag.  Perhaps his penchant for drugs has destroyed his memory.  Maybe he just does not remember 3 years ago when Canadians wrapped themselves in the flag only for Trudeau to trample them with horses.

Liberals are all over social media today praising Trudeau for this speech but I doubt he put much fear into Washington.  In fact I am sure the Trump administration is laughing their asses off.  That is Trudeau’s legacy.  He has turned a once proud country into a laughing stock.  Canada is a joke that liberal Canadians do not understand no matter how many times sane people try to explain it.