Entries by richardsuffron

Another Ivermectin Success Story

Chalk up another win for Ivermectin.  This time it was Japan.  Like other nations with healthy vitamin D levels Japan did not have a problem with COVID.  Despite not having a problem Japan decided to go ahead with vaccinations anyway.  Guess what happened. After nearly 2 years without a COVID problem cases started to soar.  […]

Rationing Medical Services to Ramp up the Pain

I found this article a couple of days ago. https://globalnews.ca/news/8218552/alberta-covid-19-icu-triage-protocol/ Alberta doctors have been well conditioned by Government.  After 2 seasons of COVID they know the drill.  The government wants crowded hospitals and high body counts.  This year the government did not even need to pick up the phone and make the call.  In anticipation […]

COVID Jabs are Short Term Gain for Long Term Pain

What the government gives they can take away. https://www.jewishpress.com/news/israel/the-lives-of-a-million-israelis-will-change-radically-when-green-tags-expire-october-3/2021/09/24/ I have discussed Israel before.  They pursued vaccinations more aggressively than any other major nation.  Israelis dutifully lined up to “do the right thing” and quickly more than 80% of adults were vaccinated.  Israel was also the first country to introduce vaccine passports.  They call it […]

How can the COVID Jabs be the Solution when they are the Problem?

Every country in the world that aggressively pursued vaccinations saw sharply rising cases shortly afterwards.  Governments blamed it on the unvaccinated and to be fair it was unvaccinated people who did get sick initially.  But why did this even happen?  When no one was vaccinated the virus spread slowly.  Why the sudden acceleration?  To answer […]

32% of Canadians are Cognitively Impaired, and it wasn’t COVID

The Moronic man-child just can’t help himself.  If you put a microphone in his hand he will say something stupid.   Justin Trudeau says that vaccine passports are "all about" rewarding certain freedoms to people who have "done the right thing"— and that those who "still resist" simply won't get to enjoy those same freedoms. […]

The FDA Pumps the Brakes

A helpful reader sent me this article yesterday. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/20/science/covid-booster-FDA.html A few days ago the FDA declined to approve booster jabs for anyone under 65.  Most of the articles written in the main stream media explained that the FDA thought it was simply too soon.  They did not want to take the focus off getting the […]

Government Enforced Medical Neglect Kills more than the Virus

A few days ago I posted part of an interview of Dr. Ryan Cole.  In the snippet that I posted Dr. Cole was discussing how the COVID jabs are suppressing natural immunity.  This is already leading to increased infections and even cancer.  A friend of mine found the entire 30 minute interview and sent it […]

When will Canadians wake up and smell the Vaccine Failure?

In the following Video Ron DeSantis is answering a question about President Biden’s vaccine mandate.  During his answer he points out something that I discussed over a week ago.   Now that almost everyone is vaccinated the US has 300% more COVID cases.  This is a happening in every heavily vaccinated country in the world.  […]

Western Governments are Culling the Herd

I pulled this video from Ivor Cummins twitter feed.  It illustrates the insanity of the current vaccine debate.   Der ist einfach nur gut ?#logisch pic.twitter.com/lyrHJ6R40E — Gedichte aus der Zukunft (@GedadZu) September 18, 2021 This fellow was able to see the humor in the vaccine mandates but unfortunately at this point it is gallows […]

COVID Vaccines could be the largest Crime in History

I wish I did not have to say I told you so, but here it is. Pfizer and Moderna say COVID-19 vaccine protection wanes after six to eight months (msn.com) For months I have been telling people that the way the jabs work there is no way that they are not temporary.  Pfizer and Moderna […]