Entries by richardsuffron

We are spectators to Mass Murder

A picture truly is worth a thousand words and this picture says volumes.  Is there any way to sum up the situation we find ourselves in better than this? In a post jab world it is perfectly normal for a young super fit athlete to faint and take a nap at the bottom of the […]

The steady March to Extinction

The only person in North America trying to hold any of the corrupt chief medical officers accountable is Senator Rand Paul.  Rand Paul is an MD and his favorite whipping boy is the lying weasel Anthony Fauci.  Here is Rand Paul grilling Fauci again about vaccinating children under 5.   We know this is not […]

The Origins of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome are not a Mystery

In the Pre-Jab world rare things were, you know, rare.  It used to be quite unusual for perfectly healthy young people to drop dead, now it is a daily occurrence.  There are so many young people dying unexpectedly right now that life insurance payouts tripled in 2021.  To date no government has moved to address this Pandemic […]

None of this is an Accident

In March of 2020 when the lockdowns were announced I dismissed it as stupid people, doing stupid things, out of fear.  The data at the time did not indicate that we had an emergency unless you think a bad flu year is somehow an emergency.  One thing that was clear from the data was that […]

Rude Awakenings on the Road to Communism

Some NDP volunteers in Alberta have made the shocking discovery that communists are not nice people.  This public spat is not a great concern for NDP leader Rachel Notley, however.  A hard core communist like Rachel understands one very important thing about her followers.  Rachel knows the most useful thing about useful idiots is the idiot […]

Fidel and Pierre would have been Proud

The Federal government is busy with preparations for Canada day.  This year the celebrations will be moved away from Parliament because ordinary Canadians are no longer allowed access to the buildings they paid for.  The venue change will not be the only difference.  In an apparent celebration of multi-culturalism, this year’s celebration will have a […]

None of this stops until we stop Politicians

When the first lockdowns were declared I told anyone who would listen that if we let government do this they will do it again.  The problem was that in March 2020 people were listening to fear and not reason.  No one wanted to hear what I had to say.  Fear caused people to blindly follow […]

Are you going to let Pfizer have your Children?

Pfizer holds the record for the largest criminal fine in history.  On multiple occasions now Pfizer has been found guilty of misrepresenting their products and bribing doctors to prescribe them.  Pfizer is simply not to be trusted.  Any submission they make to regulators should be carefully scrutinized and held to the highest scientific standards.  So why […]

Is this really a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated?

There is a study about to be published that followed over 300,000 unvaccinated people from September 2021 to February 2022.  Within the larger group was a group of 18,500 people from 175 countries that agreed to fill out detailed monthly health surveys.  The study has some remarkable findings.  Unvaccinated people had fewer severe cases and […]

Government Incompetence is to blame for Emergency Room Chaos

Emergency rooms in in Ontario are full to the rafters.  The CBC would love to blame this on unvaccinated people but even the CBC is forced to acknowledge the negative impacts of COVID restrictions.   Key factors driving the long wait times are largely spin-off effects of the pandemic:  High rates of staff calling in sick […]