Entries by richardsuffron

Politics makes strange bedfellows, the media now likes Jason Kenney

Voltaire was not questioning the existence of God.  With this statement Voltaire was simply observing that people need something to believe in.  We need to believe in good and evil and most want to believe that they are on the side of good.  That makes the opposite of this statement also true.  If the Devil […]

Far less people would die if Government would just stop Helping

I found this article today.  The author took a detailed look at all cause mortality for the state of Massachusetts.  The author compared 2020 and 2021 to the previous 5 year period and found some interesting things.  Below are a two plots from the article. This plot compares actuals from each year.  The author took […]

Parents have failed their Children

The data in Ontario continues to get worse.  Triple jabbed are now twice as likely to get infected. The only age group that the vaccines seem to be effective on are people over 60; the only group that should have been vaccinated in the first place.  In the 40 to 59 age group triple jabbed […]

Ukraine and the Great Reset

Why do media and western governments care so much about the war in Ukraine?  Unfortunately war even in 2022 is not uncommon.  The maps below shows countries that were at war before the Ukraine conflict began. Mexico’s ongoing drug war has killed far more people than the Ukrainian conflict yet no one in the media […]

Are you following science or are you following Government?

In 2019 the science and Engineering about masks was clear.  They are ineffective at stopping the spread of airborne viruses.  You simply cannot stop a 0.1 micron virus or a 1.5 micron droplet with an 80 micron filter.  You need to be ignorant or stupid to think masks would make any difference.  Unfortunately for civilization, […]

You can choose Life or you can choose Lockdowns, You can’t have Both

Canadians are sheep, we are blindly obedient to the Shepard of government.  The media pretends that there is a right and a left in Canada but there is not.  Politicians like Jason Kenney and Stephen Harper get labelled as far right but they are center left at best.  They are both big government, big spending […]

The problem is Obedience

A friend sent me this article 2 days ago.   The article takes data from New Zealand’s latest COVID surveillance report.  New Zealand employed aggressive lockdowns, restrictions, masks, and vaccination.  Overall their vaccination rate is slightly lower than Canada but their % of boosters is slightly higher.  So what did New Zealand get for denying citizen’s […]

The escalation Continues

The COVID vaccines provide no public health benefit.  They do not prevent infection or transmission.  This may be hard for the virtue signaling COVIDiots to hear, but your vaccine does not protect others.  In fact the overall impact of the COVID vaccines, and in particular the mRNA vaccines, is negative.  Our health care systems will […]