Canada is broken and every terrorist knows it

Last week two men with Canadian passports were involved in terrorist attacks in 2 separate countries.

Now, the latest commodity we’re exporting seems to be terrorism.

In two days, two incidents involving Canadians scorching with righteous terrorist fervour in faraway lands hit the news. One is dead, one is caged.

The Toronto Sun described the men as Canadians but my description is more accurate.  These men held Canadian passports but at no time were they ever Canadian.  But that is the natural end result of multiculturalism isn’t it?  Canada is just a convenient place to stay and a Canadian passport allows you access countries that your other passport does not.

Canada is the country of choice for terrorists because Canada has always been a safe haven for terrorists.  Terrorist know this.  That is why Canada was the first choice for this cleric when he wanted to establish a terrorist training enclave.

It is not clear where the exact location of the island al-Habib considered, but controversial figure said they were interested in making Canada their base because the country is ‘generally welcoming’ for immigration.

Ultimately this did not happen but not because Canadian officials prevented it or that Canadians objected to a terrorist training camp inside Canada.  It only failed because he could not come up with the money.

Who could blame terrorists for wanting to come to Canada?  Canada is a great place to kick back and relax in between terrorist attacks.  And, while you are abroad killing others, you can still collect your welfare payments from Canadians.  Not only that but you know the Canadian government will have your back if you do get arrested in another country.

Most Canadians know about Omar Khadr; the terrorist that Justin Trudeau gave 10.5 million to as a reward for killing an American soldier.  Not many Canadians know of his perfect terrorism pedigree.  Khadr comes from a family of terrorists and his 10.5 million dollar windfall was not the first time a liberal prime minister rewarded the family for their terrorist activities.  In 1995 Omar’s father was arrested in Pakistan and liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien worked tirelessly to get him released a year later.

1995 Ahmed Said Khadr arrested in Pakistan

The Khadr family patriarch was arrested and accused of complicity in a terrorist bombing of the Egyptian embassy in Islamabad that killed 15 people. He began a hunger strike and after an intervention from Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien he was released in mid-1996.

Following his release, Khadr moved his family to a large compound of houses near Jalalabad, Afghanistan, which also housed Osama bin Laden and his family.

Sept. 9, 1999 Bin Laden attends Khadr wedding

Osama bin Laden attended the wedding of Ahmed Said Khadr’s daughter Zaynab. Later, in 2001, members of the Khadr family attended the wedding of bin Laden’s son Muhammed.

What could be better for a terrorist than Canada?  You get a passport no questions asked.  Then you can use your welfare checks to fly abroad and kill people.  If you get caught you just need to wait for a liberal Prime Minister to get you released in to the custody of your favorite international terrorist.  If you are lucky that will also come with a check that will make your entire welfare benefits look like chump change.

Canadians know that our broken immigration system is being exploited by people who only want a Canadian passport.

It’s no secret that Canada’s immigration system is broken. From selection to integration, every aspect seems to be in peril. Yet, while headlines abound about Canada’s population trap, productivity emergency, housing crisis, and the mass exodus of talent leaving our country, discussions about the root causes and solutions remain notably scarce.


“Half of Canadians, 51 percent, agree immigrants need to do more to integrate into Canadian society,”

But, in true Canadian fashion we won’t do anything about it.  Canadians will wait for politicians to fix the problem.  You know the same politicians who enable the terrorists and make them millionaires.  Canada is broken.  Our politicians are disgusting, especially the liberal ones, and Canadians don’t care.


Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians.

George S Patton