COVID showed the corruption runs Deep.

The SARS COV 2 virus is an engineered bioweapon that did not leak from a lab it was released.  It is an unlikely bioweapon because the virus is really not that good at killing.  For months I doubted that anyone would design a bioweapon that was nothing more than a bad flu.  Then one day I realized my perspective was wrong.  The purpose of this bioweapon is not to produce fatalities, it is to produce fear.  The SARS COV 2 virus is a weapon of terror not a weapon of mass destruction.  Government is the weapon of mass destruction.  I can’t sum up this attack any better than Dr. Hodkinson.


Of course terrorism does not work without a media campaign.  Shooting up a market only works if people know you shot up a market.  The SARS COV 2 terror attack was completed with the cooperation of a compliant media and government agencies.  The most important government agencies were those disguised as scientific organizations like the CDC.  Most people believe that the CDC exists to collect and disseminate the best available scientific knowledge.  That is not correct and you need not take my word for it.  Here is the head of the CDC explaining that CDC health guidance is not based on science.  They make their recommendations based on hopeful optimism and wishful thinking.


I mean really, who could have known a treatment that only produces a limited antibody response would wane when the antibodies disappear?  You would need to be some sort of scientist to understand something that complicated.  The CDC does employ many PHDs but they do not function as a scientific advisory board.  By their own admission the CDC is really just a lavishly funded make a wish foundation.

So why did our governments deploy a terror weapon and enlist the aid of agencies like the CBC and CDC?  For the same reason every terrorist kills noncombatants; to scare us in to compliance.  Fear produces a fight or flight response.  It does not lend itself to deep contemplation.  Fearful people are ready to act not think.  Once the fear sets in it is easy for the government to tell us how to act.  They kept us occupied sanitizing surfaces and screaming at anyone not consumed by fear.

This busy activity was used to distract us from their true intentions.  While we were busy debating the best way to euthanize unvaccinated people our governments were eliminating democracy.  The destruction of democracy and rule of law is somewhat of an open secret within government circles.  Here is Russel Brand quoting a Canadian Government official.


Canadians are such rubes, some of them still think they live in a democratic society.  While we were sleeping our government took our rights and democracy from us.  We surrendered them without a fight in return for a promise of safety.  So the people that manufactured the crisis in the first place promised us safety and we believed them.  You truly cannot fix stupid.

This was not a small mistake to make.  Our government has no intentions of giving back our rights that they have stolen.  The Freedom convoy found out the hard way that there are more than enough corrupt police officers in Canada to deal with any protest.  Unfortunately, corruption does not end at Canada’s border.  This video is from France yesterday.


Emanuel Macron tore a page out of Justin Trudeau’s playbook and unleashed uniformed thugs on peaceful protesters.   Emanuel Macron and Justin Trudeau behave the same way because they trained at the same school.  They are both graduates of the world economic forum young global leaders program.  It is shocking how many national leaders graduated from this program.

Western Governments are completely infiltrated and controlled by Klaus Schwab acolytes.  Schwab even brags about it on camera.  These people truly believe that they are elite and superior to us.  They manufactured the COVID crisis to take our rights from us because they believe we should not have rights. Their right to rule is divine and we exist only to serve them.  These tyrants will not give back what we gave up without a fight.  If you think this is over because the mandates have been temporarily lifted you are delusional.

This has only 2 possible outcomes.  Either we force these sociopathic tyrants to return our rights or they succeed in taking everything from us.  You will own nothing and Justin will be happy.  Very happy indeed.