Criminally stupid or just criminal?

A German mathematician has done a study that found the government was lying about the severity of COVID.

Comparing excess mortality to the reported number of COVID-19 deaths reveals that the number of COVID-19 deaths largely exceeds the observed amount of excess mortality in the first pandemic year.

And that excess deaths went up rather than down after everyone got vaccinated which led to the obvious conclusion that the jabs did more harm than good.

The observation from Section 3.4 that the increase in excess mortality in the second and third year of the pandemic are positively correlated to the vaccination rate is an irrefutable empirical fact, and means that the more people have been vaccinated in a federal state the more excess mortality increased. Such a pattern would be expected if the vaccinations had caused more negative effects instead of positive effects

None of this is at all surprising to anyone who has been paying attention.  Denis Rancourt has covered this ground in greater detail for a larger number of countries already.  This is what all sane people already know.  An experimental treatment with at best marginal benefits will likely be net harmful.  The COVID jabs were a very bad idea.  At best the Jab mandates were criminally stupid.  At worst they were mass murder.

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