EUAs will soon be traded like derivatives

Moderna just received emergency use authorization for an mRNA bird flu vaccination.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the development of a new mRNA vaccine to defeat the bird flu. 

I guess I do not understand the process or the nomenclature.  To a layman like me it would seem to get an emergency use authorization you would first need, well you know, an emergency.  There is no bird flu emergency.  Bird flu is just an excuse to kill millions of chickens as part of the global population starvation program Trudeau and others have signed on to.  The only real emergency here was financial.  Moderna’s stock price was plummeting until receiving this authorization.

Moderna rallied 29% in May after a good report and news on developing a bird flu vaccine to fight that epidemic. 

So now any time pharmaceutical stocks fall we get emergency use authorizations for some imaginary threat but that is not the scary part.  Investors are not stupid.  Authorizations mean nothing without actual product sales and profits.  Investors stopped selling Moderna stock because they expect Moderna to sell bird flu vaccines.  By now investors must realize that no one is willingly taking mRNA vaccinations so they must believe the government will mandate these products.

Moderna investors obviously believe bird flu will be COVID 2.0; a manufactured crisis with mandated vaccinations.  There will be a price of course.  They all realize kickbacks will need to flow to the government just like last time.  This is not a problem with them.  For them it is a case of, share with corrupt government officials, or no profit at all.  They have already made that choice before with COVID and look how well that worked out for them.  A lot of money was made and all you needed to do was ignore all the babies you killed.

Official data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that infant mortality rates have now soared to a record high.

What do you think the bird flu body count will be?  Not from the virus of course.  I know the virus is unlikely to kill anyone.  Just like last time it will be the government and pharmaceutical companies that do all the killing.  Are you ready to say no this time?