Government pays for blindness
The rise in Cancers can’t be ignored. The cause of that rise on the other hand is continually ignored. Here is yet another article where an oncologist wonders out loud why there are so many cases in previously low risk groups.
But some patients don’t fit that description at all.
“They are very, very health conscious, and then they come into your clinic and they’re 33 and they’ve got stage-four colon cancer,” said Dr. Marwan Fakih, a gastrointestinal oncologist at City of Hope in Duarte, Calif. “There’s no question we’re missing something.”
I don’t think it is accurate to say that they are “missing something”. It is more accurate to say they are intentionally ignoring something. It is the Jabs stupid.
Science used to be about pursuing the truth. Now science is about pursuing the research grants. When those grants come from the government; science means supporting the narrative. An Axiom of academia is “publish or perish” but again that is not completely true. It is easy to Publish and perish. Just try publishing something the government does not want people to know.
“Within Canadian academia, there is a monoculture where, if you deviate even very slightly from what is fashionable and what is commonly accepted by your peers, not only will you be ostracized, but often you will not be able to have an academic career in the first place,”
Unfortunately you cannot trust published research. Government can buy any conclusion they want. Any time the government wants to do something evil they can find an academic that will support their position for a fee. After the Government does something evil, as they did during COVID, they pay academics to look the other way or even misdirect the public. Government is evil and their pet academics are no better.