How did big pharma become more powerful than governments?

Ohio State Medical University (OSMU) is still offering and recommending mRNA COVID vaccinations to public.  There is, however, a small select group that they will not jab; their own employees.

Wait, what? Ohio State is suddenly no longer offering the Covid-19 vaccine to any of their employees but they are happily offering to inject them into the public? How can such a policy be justified? Why was this change in policy done and why was it done so quietly?

In 2021 the COVID jabs did not protect you if someone else did not take them.  Now in 2024 the COVID jabs won’t protect you if medical professionals take them.  This of course makes no sense but nothing about these experimental treatments has ever made sense.

OSMU will not allow their staff to take any more jabs because they know they are not safe.  But they are still giving them to the public.  This points to more than just a callous disregard for public safety.  Why would you administer an unsafe treatment?  Obviously OSMU has decided that dead and injured patients are somehow in their best interest.  Is it about the money they will make treating vaccine injured or is it about the money they receive in kickbacks from Pfizer?

Is big pharma this powerful?  It certainly seems so.  No one has had the courage to ban these products, and most jurisdictions still recommend them.  In Alberta Premier Danielle Smith was a prominent vaccine skeptic before getting elected.  Now that she has the power to address the issue, she has done nothing.  She hasn’t even found the courage to tell Alberta Health Services to stop promoting them.

Everyone connected to these treatments knows they are neither safe nor effective, but needles are still going into arms.  It seems big pharma is still calling the shots.