If not bird flu it will be something else

COVID will not be over until the people who planned and profited from it are punished.  COVID was a well planned and executed crime that no one has as of yet been punished for.  A group of sociopaths;

  • Engineered a virus
  • Released the virus
  • Fomented Panic
  • Either through bribery (most likely) or coercion, convinced governments to lock down
  • Used the lockdowns for the justification of vaccine mandates
  • Redefined vaccine
  • Sold a gene therapy under the new vaccine definition that everyone knew did not work and was not safe.

COVID was essentially a financial crime that involved murder.  In fact murder was essential to the plan.  To instill panic some people had to die. The stress of lockdowns and mandated medical malpractice were enough to produce the excess deaths.  At that point the die was cast.  The entire world was in the funnel the pandemic planners constructed.

The funnel of course emptied out on mandatory vaccination.  People continued to be murdered but the vaccine murders were incidental.  The point was to sell vaccines which had already been accomplished.  The vaccine deaths were not essential to the plan but they did not care about them either.  They were willing to kill to achieve the mandates.  Obviously, they would not be disturbed by deaths from the mandates.  Human life means nothing to a Sociopath.

COVID was the most lucrative crime in history and the lack of prosecutions means there is no reason for them not to go back to the well.  And, they are.  They just won’t call it COVID this time.  Instead it will be bird flu which the “experts” are already warning is inevitable.

“If the virus figures out a way to adapt and start transmitting between humans, infections in the general population could go up exponentially overnight,” says Scott Hensley, a professor in the microbiology department at the University of Pennsylvania who is working on developing an H5N1 avian-flu vaccine.

Here we are once again facing those dangerous “Ifs”.  If the virus does something we have never seen before we will all die.  Unless of course we all get vaccinated

Hensley says his lab has been working on an mRNA vaccine against bird flu. Moderna is also working on an mRNA vaccine. While mRNA vaccines are much quicker to manufacture, they still need to go through clinical trials before becoming available for commercial use.

COVID was wildly successful.  I am sure the planners did not expect it to be so easy.  It worked so well that this time they are going to eliminate most of the steps.  They won’t bother with a new virus.  The plan this time appears to be, gin up panic over an existing virus, and jump straight to mandatory vaccinations.

We could have stopped this in 2020 if we had refused to be locked down.  We were cowards then and we continue to be cowards.  Our refusal to prosecute the COVID criminals will guarantee a repeat.  If they can’t make it stick this time it will just be back again later with another name.  They will not stop until people start to go to prison.