It is global and it is coordinated

I saw this video on X yesterday.

What this woman describes probably sounds very familiar to anyone living in a western country.  Do you find it odd that every western country simultaneously decided to dramatically increase immigration?  I do and I also find it odd that not a single one of them had a pressing need for immigration or was even prepared to accept people in the numbers that they took.  Quite the coincidence, don’t you think?

The problems caused by unrestricted immigration are way too large to ignore so Canadian media is dutifully trying to deflect blame from government speculating the whole thing is just a mistake.

That is because we don’t know why we want to bring 500,000 or more immigrants into Canada every year. 

Yes no one knows how this happened it was just some sort of clerical error that allowed millions of new people in to the country over the last 3 years.  This like everything else you read in Canadian media is a lie.  None of this is happening by mistake.  There is a plan and western leaders are all using the same script.

The great reset is a return to feudalism where royalty own everything and ordinary people, the serfs, own nothing.  Remember the number one tenet of the great reset is you will own nothing.  The part they don’t say is that they will own everything.  The big stumbling block to achieving the reset is that people already own things and those that don’t want to.  So how do you destroy wealth and force people to give up what they have?  The government has two powerful tools for that; inflation and taxation.

There are many ways governments can cause inflation, reckless spending and reckless immigration.  These are the central economic policies of the Trudeau liberals and most other western nations.  Inflation will make sure that people who don’t own things now will never own things.  Taking from people who already own property is accomplished through taxes.  Make them sell their assets to pay their taxes or lower their tax burden.  Trudeau has that base covered as well.  Taxes now dwarf all other living expenses in Canada.

The average Canadian family last year spent more of its income on all forms of taxation (43%) than on basic necessities, such as food, shelter and clothing combined (35.6%), according to a new report by the Fraser Institute.

The various levels of government in Canada are working diligently to make sure Canadians have no disposable income.  They are determined to make sure that we only have enough to buy groceries and pay rent.  In the past we would have called this tyranny or even theft but in Trudeau’s Canada it is called delivering for Canadians.

Ms. Freeland told reporters Monday at an event in Toronto that she doesn’t spend time worrying about whether she will be shuffled out of the finance portfolio because, “for me, my focus is on working hard to deliver for Canadians every single day.”

This is all part of a plan concocted by people who are not in government but who control governments.  Trudeau and Freeland do what they are told and work off the same script as other European leaders.  This is a coordinated plan to make people poor and since it orchestrated by people we do not vote for it is not something we can vote our way out of.