Moderna, too much of a bad thing

One thing that always amazed me is how easy it has been for Moderna to fly under the vaccine injury radar.  Most of the focus has been on Pfizer but the two products use the same technology.  If the lipid nanoparticles and spike proteins in the Pfizer jab are dangerous why aren’t they even more dangerous in the Moderna jab that uses a much higher dosage?  Well it turns out Moderna is even more dangerous than Pfizer; just nobody has talked about it before now.

Official government record-level data obtained through a FOIA request from the Czech Republic shows that the Moderna COVID vaccine increased all-cause-mortality (ACM) as measured over a 12-month period from the time of vaccination for every age as compared to the Pfizer vaccine.

The active ingredient in both vaccines is mRNA. In Pfizer, there is 30 mcg/dose. Moderna is 100 mcg/dose.

Most of the focus has been on Pfizer for two reasons.  Pfizer had the lion’s share of the market.  Far more people took Pfizer than Moderna so even though Moderna is more dangerous per dose the sheer number of Pfizer doses produced more injuries on an absolute basis.  The other reason of course was that Pfizer’s CEO, Albert Bourla loves the spot light way too much.  He has never met a TV camera that he did not want to be in front of.

Bourla’s high profile kept the spot light off of their more dangerous competitor and is a little hard to explain.  Both companies were selling a useless, dangerous, product at ridiculous profit margins.  The smart play is to shut up and count the money as Moderna has done until now.  Does anyone even know who Moderna’s CEO is?  Bourla couldn’t stay out of the public eye which seems to be a big mistake but I guess he felt he had purchased enough insurance.

A judge allegedly failed to disclose her links to Pfizer in a case that would have scuttled its COVID vaccines in Australia – raising serious questions about our justice system, writes Rocco Loiacono.

Pfizer and Moderna had 2 very different strategies.  Pfizer bought friends in high places.  Moderna stayed in the shadows and let Pfizer do the heavy lifting.  Steve kirsch is trying to pull Moderna in to the light.  Moderna probably regrets not investing in corrupt government officials before now.  Luck for them there is no shortage of corrupt government officials but I bet Moderna will have to pay a steep late fee.

1 reply
  1. Derek
    Derek says:

    There actually were a few high profile dissidents who were discussing that Moderna is the more potent jab and therefore more dangerous. Brett Weinstein was one of them if memory serves me. I also remember a couple of shitlib media personalities, in their advocacy for totalitarianism, discussing how Moderna may be the “best” choice.

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