Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
Two days ago a posted an article by an incredibly dishonest government supported “journalist” named Andrea Woo. Ms. Woo used her national soap box at the Globe and Mail to disseminate dangerous vaccine disinformation. The article heralded a new study “proving” unvaccinated people posed a disproportionately high risk to vaccinated people. The study is painfully, […]
Canada is about to change the definition of fully vaccinated to 3 doses. You might ask how I could possibly know that. Well it’s easy, I know this because I am already watching act 2 of some very carefully scripted COVID Theater. Just yesterday I posted the latest junk science “proving” unvaccinated people pose a […]
Andrea Woo and the Globe and mail are colluding with the Trudeau liberals to justify mandatory vaccination. How do I know that? Well if they were not why would they publicize obvious Junk science? Researchers have used a model to determine that allowing unvaccinated to mingle among vaccinated increases the risk to vaccinated people. You do […]
There is now a published Canadian study concluding that Lockdowns don’t work. They looked at the effect of lockdowns in the 5 largest Canadian provinces that accounted for 95% of all cases. Here are their conclusions. Overall, our analysis provides little evidence that banning public gatherings, closing schools and universities, placing stay-at-home orders, controlling travel, and […]
Spring has arrived and ended cold and flu season. Once again it was spring and not masks, lockdowns, or vaccines that caused COVID cases to fall. Political pressure in many jurisdictions caused politicians to drop restrictions during cold and flu season and guess what, dropping restrictions made absolutely no difference. Our respite from government COVID […]
The daily expose took the time to plot out data from the UK government’s latest COVID surveillance report. The plot below is from the article. Currently your best chance of a long life in the UK is by being unvaccinated. This is just one more source finding the same thing. The COVID vaccines do provide some […]