Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
If the Jabs were safe Pfizer would not need Liability protection
If the Jabs were effective no one would need a booster
Wake up and smell the Conspiracy
Follow @TruthAbtCovid
A friend sent me this incredible TED talk from 2018. Dr. Christine Stabell Benn gives a short presentation of her research results. Dr. Benn was researching overall health impacts of vaccines. Her research provided conclusive results that have been ignored because the vaccine debate is such a political mine field. The official narrative is vaccines […]
I had a Friend Ask me why we are not seeing the same problems as England and Israel. That is a very good question. How can I claim that the vaccines are causing so much trouble when we don’t see any problems in Canada? My answer is that right now the problems are obscured by […]
If the COVID Jabs work then unvaccinated people pose no danger to unvaccinated people and vaccine passports are unnecessary. The Jab protects people not the piece of paper. If the COVID jabs do not work then it is no more dangerous to be around unvaccinated than vaccinated. The distinction is moot therefore Vaccine passports are […]
I know a many people who have been jabbed. Very few did it because they were concerned about what the virus would do. The majority got jabbed because they were concerned about what the government would do. The fearful of government group fell in to 2 camps. One group wanted to avoid travel restrictions and […]
Throughout this fake emergency I have been very critical of the media’s involvement. None of this would have been possible without media cooperation. My assumption is that the media is populated with evil, dishonest people. I may have to change my assessment. Apparently some are just clueless. It took this German Broadcaster 12 years […]
The short video below shows 750 workers at GE walking out over the vaccine mandates. Breaking Ohio:( Not on MSM ) 750 General Electric Contract Workers walk off their job in Protest against Vaccine Mandates. 👇 — EPSTEIN's SHEET 🧻 (@johnpecco1) October 21, 2021 Obviously not all of these workers are unvaccinated. Vaccinated […]