People will continue to die as long as we allow Government to continue to Lie

When the media started reporting about a new illness in China I was skeptical.  I had no information about this new disease but I did know the odds were very high that the media was lying.  My reaction was to seek out information to determine just how big a lie was actually been told.  Even I was surprised by what I found.  The media was participating in what has turned out to be the largest, deadliest, lie in human history.

There was no reason to believe that COVID was anything more than a bad flu but the media was stoking fear by comparing this new virus to the Spanish flu.  With the public properly primed by their media allies governments stepped in and imposed lockdowns.  Initially I was shocked not just that government would do this but also at how easily people accepted it.  Fear was driving the compliance and I naively thought I could assuage that fear with facts, logic, and science.  I started an email distribution list that eventually led to this blog.

Rarely do I form opinions from the opinions of other or the corrupt evening news.  I use my own analysis based on the facts and my understanding of the science.  Because I believe I can back up anything I say, I have never been shy about my opinions.  Despite not being a shrinking violet, prior to COVID I had never tried to disseminate my opinions on any platform.  I was not on Facebook, Twitter, or any social media other than LinkedIn.  I had no interest in engaging with the wider public until COVID lockdowns.

For me COVID restrictions changed everything.  The government and media were lying which for them is not unusual.  Given the history of both those organizations, the truth would have been far more shocking.  So I did not feel compelled to speak out because we were being lied to.  I spoke out because this time their lies were going to harm millions of people and many of them would be my friends.

I understand how particles get distributed through a fluid such as air.  The motion of the air molecules will eventually distribute fine particles everywhere.  This made the 6 foot rule ridiculous.  The virus would not be stopped by a magical barrier 6 feet away from an infected person.  Similarly, basic scientific principles told me that none of the other restrictions had any hope of curtailing the spread of an airborne virus.

Governments were imposing restrictions that could not work but that would harm millions of people.  That science is equally as clear.  Scientists have known for 1000 years that stress negatively impacts health.  Stress on its own can kill.  A few decades ago an American scientist was able to show that the stress of unemployment was so deadly that excess mortality correlates to excess unemployment.  Unemployment kills and our governments shut down businesses and threw people in to unemployment.

To put it bluntly there is no way the government did not know the lockdowns would increase rather than decrease the number of people who would die.  In the spring of 2020 I knew that the COVID lies would kill people.  I knew that because the science predicted it.  This was the most predictable catastrophe in history but it took more than 2 years for most people to realize the truth.  Lockdowns kill.


To be more specific government lies kill and the government is not done lying.


Most of the lies now concern the vaccines.  Lockdowns certainly caused deaths but they were nothing compared to the vaccines.  It would be one thing if the vaccines simply did not work.  That would be tolerable, but it is much worse than that.  The vaccines are actually prolonging the pandemic and increasing the number of people who get COVID.  Incredibly the most common side effect of the COVID vaccines is COVID infections.


The science at this point is crystal clear.  The vaccines have prolonged the pandemic and injured millions of people.  We should have stopped this madness months ago but we have not because of the constant barrage of government lies.  Now some governments are trying to cover their lies by forming committees to investigate vaccine injuries.  These committees are just another form of lying.  Their mandate is not to uncover the truth but to obfuscate it under layers of process and testimony of fake experts.  Unfortunately for this Japanese committee they ran in to a real expert who has had his fill of government lies.


I certainly share his frustration.  Our governments have done nothing but lie for nearly 3 years.  People’s lives were destroyed and even ended.  We cannot let government whitewash this with phony inquiries.  What happened was mass murder.  The people responsible must face justice.