Profit above all else

The most important assumption when it came to COVID vaccines was that it stayed in the shoulder muscle.  That assumption was wrong and we knew that from the very early days of the vaccination program.  Discovering that the lipid nanoparticles rapidly moved throughout the body should have been enough to stop vaccinating.  Instead we continued on, hoping that it would not be a problem.

Fast forward 2 years and millions of lives and we now have documented proof that the jabs can damage almost every system and organ in the body.


These things should be banned yet we continue even with scientific proof they are causing more harm than good.  What will it take to stop this and why did it take this long to even get here?  During the abbreviate 2 month Pfizer trial more people died in the vaccine group than the placebo group.  Pfizer and the FDA ignored those deaths because they were not COVID related but no one stopped to ask what did cause them.

There is only one way to know whether or not the vaccine caused any of the deaths in the 21 vaccinated patients who died: proper histopathology.

Pfizer never did it and the FDA never asked for it.

This whole game was rigged from the start.  Not only were the vaccine trials obviously fraudulent but there were always better and simpler solutions than experimental gene therapy.  COVID is the most treatable disease in history.  It responds to vitamin D and safe re-purposed drugs.  It even responds to zinc supplements and nasal irrigation.


There are many reasons to stop the vaccine programs but only one to continue; profit.  The COVID vaccines are a story of ruthlessly pursuing profit at the expense of human life.  The mantra during the lockdowns was that if it could save just one life.  In 2020 that one life was very valuable.  In a post vax world life could not be any less valuable.