Shaking things up is Trumps style

5 years ago the COVID Plandemic started with 2 goals;

  1. Provide an excuse for mail in ballots which were needed for the level of election fraud necessary to get rid of Donald Trump.
  2. Normalize the use of a dangerous but highly lucrative pharmaceutical technology.

The plandemic reached both those goals but failed to make at least one of those changes permanent.  In 2 days Donald trump will be inaugurated for the second time after winning his third election.  Trump is back.  The deep state failed to kill the MAGA movement.  The question now is, “can they hold on to mRNA treatments”?

Ironically the deep state has the man they hate, Trump, to thank for achieving their second goal.  Operation warp speed helped convince people to take the Jab.  Trump was wrong about the jabs and I know some people who will not forgive him for operation warp speed.  I am not one of those.  Trump played right in to Fauci’s hands but I am not naïve enough to think the jabs would not have happened anyway.

The Jabs were the primary goal of the plandemic.  Getting rid of Trump was just a bonus.  The election only dictated timing.  The whole COVID fiasco was going to happen with or with Trump and operation warp speed.  Too much money and planning had gone in to the plandemic for them to have left it on the shelf.

Still I would like Trump to apologize but I know his ego won’t allow that.  After publically praising the COVID jabs multiple times he won’t back down now.  But, I do believe Trump knows he was wrong.  That is why he appointed RFK junior.  If you wanted an apology from Trump this is it.  Don’t hold your breath waiting for more.

RFK is labelled as an anti-vaxxer but he is not.  He has stated publically that he believes vaccines prevent disease he just wants better safety data.  He believes in vaccines but acknowledges vaccine injuries are a serious problem that needs to be addressed.  RFK wants safer vaccines which is a start because an honest discussion about vaccine injuries should result in at least some vaccines being banned.  Some vaccines don’t have good risk benefit ratios and the top of that list are the COVID jabs.

COVID did not pose a serious risk to healthy people so it was insane that we forced healthy people to take a treatment with unknown log tem side effects.  Sadly with the passage of time the side effects are no longer unknown.  In the last month alone researchers have linked the jabs to:

Increased risk of COVID

Neurological disorders

and rare Cancers

I fully support the MAHA movement and wish something similar would come to Canada.  But, I do not completely agree with RFK.  RFK wants safer vaccines.  5 years ago that is something I gave no thought to.  3 years ago I would have agreed.  Now I am not certain we should even be using vaccines.  Traditional vaccines while not as damaging as mRNA treatments still seem to be all pain for no gain.

In fact I am starting to question the whole viruses cause disease narrative.  I have posted more than once about how vaccines get credit that they do not deserve.

Most infectious diseases were declining rapidly due to improved hygiene and nutrition long before vaccines were invented.  Incredibly when you look at the entire history of these diseases it is hard to see any benefit from the vaccines.  This is something that gets ignored in our modern pill heavy society.  The Terrain really does matter something I discussed 16 months ago.

To me this posed the obvious question.  If vaccines work then why can’t we see it in the data?  We do know that with most diseases once you have had it you won’t get it again.  You develop immunity.  It stands to reason then that if you are exposed to the virus through vaccination something similar should happen yet vaccinating the general public did not produce a noticeable change in how many people got sick.  So what if the virus that is being blamed for the disease does not really cause the disease?  That would certainly explain the lack of any dramatic response from vaccination.

In the 1800s Louis Pasteur developed germ theory.  His Theory postulated that Bacteria and some other as yet unknown germ caused disease.   Viruses were later identified as the other germ.

In the late 1600s Bacteria were discovered; it wasn’t until the late 1800s that Louis Pasteur was able to link bacteria to disease.  In 1861 Pasteur published his germ theory.  Germ theory postulates that disease is caused by germs, bacteria and another germ which at the time no one had been able to identify.  Later that century the other germ was identified when viruses were discovered.

The discovery of viruses led to vaccines and later anti-viral medications which also have yet to demonstrate any benefit.  So what if we are wrong?  What if viruses are not the other thing that causes disease and we just stopped looking once we had the virus explanation?  I read a very good book recently called Virus Mania.  The central theme of the book is that once a virus gets blamed for a disease the medical establishment puts blinders on and refuses to consider any other cause.

I think it is time to consider that in many cases we have misidentified the cause of disease.  That would explain why the vaccines and anti-viral medications have shown so little benefit.  An honest discussion about vaccine safety might be the start.  If we are going to discuss risk we should also discuss reward and may find that it is lacking.  This really could start a new chapter in infectious disease medicine.

Can you imagine how many democrats’ heads will explode if Donald Trump inadvertently paves the way for new important medical discoveries?

1 reply
  1. Tyrel
    Tyrel says:

    I think RFK is going to try to win over the population with real data and demand that real results be published. Once the public realizes this catastrophe, vaccine uptake will continue to decline much like smoking. If you tell them, you’re gonna take them all away(which probably should happen)heads will spin, people won’t accept it. I think he just needs to get this through this confirmation process before he can get more hard-core.

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