The core of western government is evil exploiting incompetence

It has been a week since the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.  I was not sure if I was going to comment on it but I just could not resist.  A common theme of this blog is that the problems we face stem from government.  Or, rather the unique combination of incompetence and malfeasance you find in western governments.  This failed assassination is just another example of that.

I once described western governments as a handful of sociopaths sprinkled among an army of useful idiots.  The dominate trait is by far stupidity and the incompetence that goes with it.  That is why it is easy to attribute every evil thing government does to incompetence but there are times like this when that is difficult.  As with COVID you must ask, could they really all be that stupid?  Because, if that level of incompetence is not possible, something more sinister is at work.

New information continues to flow in but virtually all of it forces us to one of two conclusions: the police officers and federal agents at the Butler rally were either (1) disastrously incompetent or (2) complicit in the assassination attempt. 

I have no doubt that the US government was complicit in the assassination.  This is clearly a case of the evil people within government exploiting the inherent incompetence of government.  People struggle to believe this can happen but it really is not that difficult.  The right sociopath in the right position can manufacture all the incompetence they need by simply assigning people to jobs they are not capable of.

This is not hard to achieve. The conspirators—assuming they are in positions of leadership—could simply ensure that the event is understaffed or staffed with less-experienced agents who rely on more direction from above. Then, the conspirators need only issue orders to stand down at critical times, and to hem and haw long enough to allow “the plan” to play out.

This certainly seemed to be the case last week.  Many of the protection agents, especially the female protection agents, seemed to be shaken and did not know what they were supposed to do.  It looked like they had never been in a live fire situation before or had received any training.  As it turns out that is likely the case.  Whistleblowers are coming forward and disclosing that many of the people assigned to protect trump came from agencies that don’t normally do personal protection.

“[W]histleblower allegations suggest the majority of DHS officials were not, in fact, USSS agents but instead drawn from the department’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI),”

Trump was being protected by people who had no training or experience in personal protection and it showed.  Donald was a sitting duck.

But, couldn’t this just have been incompetence at the top?  An incompetent supervisor whose own incompetence prevented them from recognizing the incompetence in others?  Yes that is possible but that does not answer this important question.

The question is not how the shooter, in broad daylight, evaded police to get on that roof top.  The question is how did he know that rooftop would not be guarded?

Those are not my words.  I found them posted o n X and I used them because I cannot explain it any more clearly than that.  If you are the author of these words you have both my thanks and apology for using them without proper citation.

The gunman’s plan was not very sophisticated.  Climbing on a roof in full view should have had zero chance of success.  When he poked his head above the roofline he should have been confronted by police yet somehow he knew he wouldn’t be.  Someone told him that roof would not be guarded.  He was selected and put up to this.  Thomas Matthew Crooks was an Intelligent, socially awkward, mentally disturbed loaner; the perfect patsy.

His plan, or rather the plan he was given, was audacious.  He was going to kill Trump in plain view of thousands of witnesses.  That was the point.  Had both he and trump died the case would be closed immediately.  The shooter that everyone saw was dead.  But trump did not die and we got to witness the unbelievable incompetence of his protection detail which has spurred questions that were never to have been asked.

I can guarantee the official investigation will try to stick to the script.  Crooks acted alone and he is dead so he can’t offer any more information.  But, that is not what happened.  He had help and he was not alone.  There is no way they would have trusted Crooks to get the job done.  Someday we will learn of an additional shooter or shooters.  The evil ones use the incompetent ones but they would never trust them to get the job done.

1 reply
  1. Derek
    Derek says:

    It is inconceivable that the police and secret service could be that grossly incompetent. Yes the security agencies are polluted with incompetent diversity hires in key roles, but even they should have been able to handle this. The methods used by the patsy were blunt and obvious. A mall security detachment could have stopped that.

    All they had to do was call out a threat code on the open radio channel and usher Trump off the stage.

    It was unbelievable watching short, squat females barely over 5 feet tall trying to shield Trump who is over 6 feet. Fire fighters, special forces commandos, and secret service protection details, are no place for woke gender parity hires.

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