The most deadly virus is Government.

Lipid Nano particles have the ability to go anywhere in the body including crossing the blood brain barrier.  This means that where spike proteins get produced can be different in everyone.  So everyone can have a different reaction to the jab; different results and different potential injuries.  That is how the jabs produce over 2000 different side effects and why governments have been able to deny vaccine injuries for so long.  When the injuries are so different it is hard to believe they all have the same cause.

Fortunately people are starting to make the connections and now nearly 1 in every 4 Americans recognize that someone they know was killed by the jab.

A full 25 percent of Republicans said they knew someone personally who died from side effects of the COVID-19 jab.

Meanwhile, an almost equal 24 percent of Democrats and unaffiliated voters said they personally knew someone who died from side effects of the injections.

This slow public awakening is making it more difficult for government to deny jab injuries but that does not mean they have not stopped trying.  They know exactly what they have done and they know it is not over.  Their latest desperate attempt to avoid murder charges is to convince people that all future heart attacks will be caused by a new SARS COV-2 variant.

Research into the new strain known as JN.1, could cause “global healthcare risk” related to COVID-19, stating that it could start a “heart failure pandemic.”

The scientists are very worried because the ACE2 receptors in the heart can bind to the spike proteins.

Japan’s top research institute Riken has now issued a warning in the new report, which states that the ACE2 receptors, which the coronavirus clings to within human cells, are ‘very common’ in the heart.

I am not a medical researcher but knowing spike proteins bind to ACE2 receptors in heart muscle tells me jabs that promote unending spike protein production might not have been a good idea after all.

I have discussed this before.  Myocarditis and pericarditis are serious conditions that increase your chance of a future heart attack.  Just because your heart attack happens years after your jab does not mean the jab did not cause it.  The jabs are ticking time bombs.  We better start figuring out how to help the jab injured.  We could start by not blaming a new variant for damage the government has already done.