The propaganda indicates we are at war

That was said 2500 years ago, and nothing has changed.  In fact, it has intensified.  With the internet now the lies can be automated, and they come in huge volume.  Both sides during a war have reasons to lie. This is why I don’t put much stock in reports from war zones.  What you hear will be a lie and it is difficult to judge just how big the lie is.  Theoretically the media will try to find the truth but in practice they never do.  Media follows the money.  If their advertisers or paymasters choose a narrative, they will follow it.

So why am I concerned with war time lies this Sunday morning?  Well, because I think there are some very big lies being told about North Carolina this week.  North Carolina has had catastrophic flooding from heavy rains associated with Hurricane Helene. Roads and homes were quickly washed-out stranding people without shelter.  As usual private citizens responded far more quickly than the government.  Aid started to flow quickly but if I believe some reports that all stopped when the government finally arrived.

“Hey Elon, update here on site of Asheville, NC. We have powered up two large operating bases for choppers to deliver goods into  hands. We’ve deployed 300+ starlinks and outpour is it has saved many lives.

“The big issue is FEMA is actively blocking shipments and seizing goods and services locally and locking them away to state they are their own. It’s very real and scary how much they have taken control to stop people helping. We are blocked now on the shipments of new starlinks coming in until we get an escort from the fire dept. but that may not be enough.”

Of course, the government denies that they are preventing aid from reaching people.  So, which is true?  Is the government preventing the flow of aid or not?  Both can’t be true.  One or possibly both sides are lying.  In North Carolina right now we have a situation where people are in dire need, and you cannot trust the news reports.  That sounds an awful lot like war, doesn’t it?

I have been saying this since the start of COVID.  Our governments have declared war on us.  So far, the war has been decidedly one sided.  The government is clear on their objectives and who their enemy is.  Their war plan is unfolding just as they had envisioned.  Too many people on our side of the war have still not woken to reality.  The government is not your friend.  They hate you and as far as they are concerned it is war.  Wake up.  Fight back.


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