There is a time for anger

I found this great short clip on X.  Neil Oliver discusses how a relatively small group of people have taken it upon themselves to determine how everyone else must live.  The average person has a hard time understanding why anyone would claim the right to tell others how to live.  What the average person does not understand is that the self-appointed elite believe they are superior beings.  Their unfounded belief in their inherent moral superiority gives them the right to sit in judgement over everything.

In Trudeau’s vision on each of these issues there is a morally correct position – his – and those who do not share it are not merely wrong but motivated by ill intentions.

This is a return to the divine right of kings.  People like Trudeau believe they have been born to rule.  That is not really the problem however.  The problem is that we let them rule.  Their combination of inflated ego and substandard intelligence has cost us dearly.  As Thomas Sowell notes never haves so few, cost so much, to so many.

“In order that this relatively small group of people can believe themselves wiser and nobler than the common herd, we have adopted policies which impose heavy costs on millions of other human beings, not only in taxes, but in lost jobs, social disintegration and a loss of personal safety. Seldom have so few cost so much to so many.”

Neil Oliver takes hope in the fact that ordinary people far outnumber this group of elites.  I am far less hopeful.  Numbers don’t matter if all of them are asleep.  COVID was a perfect example of the masses sitting on their asses and refusing to use the power that they have.  If even 10% of the people stood up and said no the tyranny could not have happened.  But, in my country, only about 0.2% said no.

If you talk to Canadians now many will tell you that they did not agree with the COVID mitigation measures.  Who cares if you did not agree, you still did not do anything.  You did not even get angry.  Even now after 9 years of a government that went out of their way to destroy the country Canadians are still not angry.

And yet a deficiency of anger produces its own problems. This is the condition that presently characterizes too much of the Canadian electorate. With Prime Minister Trudeau announcing his resignation this week, even as his party maneuvers to stay in power, one cannot help wondering at the lack of anger over the years of misrule.

The lack of anger is a real problem.  We should be angry.  People should be demanding real change and we are not.  Sure Canadians have decided Trudeau needs to go but too many of them are willing to forgive all the people who enabled him.  The liberals are busy picking a new leader and the front runner has been part of the Trudeau carnage for years.

Canadians are sleep walking in to more of the same.  Mark Carney is just a more boring version of Trudeau.  A many touted as a genius economist because of the positions he has held rather than his actual performance.

In fact, he wasn’t the second coming but a very naughty boy. Contrary to what George Osborne et al might have you believe, in reality Carney helped to screw the British economy by bungling our monetary policy, maintaining ultra-low interest rates and huge amounts of quantitative easing.

Since then, he has been a spokesman for central banks to focus on climate change, even though their core role is price stability.

If more than 0.2% of Canadians would just get angry we might get real change.  Instead we are looking at rule by the same group of deluded, evil, bastards.  People who want to make your life very small as they continue to live large.

In his book Value(s): Building a Better World for All, Mark Carney, former governor both of the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England, claims that western society is morally rotten, and that it has been corrupted by capitalism, which has brought about a “climate emergency” that threatens life on earth. This, he claims, requires rigid controls on personal freedom, industry and corporate funding.

Carney’s Brave New World will be one of severely constrained choice, less flying, less meat, more inconvenience and more poverty: “Assets will be stranded, used gasoline powered cars will be unsaleable, inefficient properties will be unrentable,” he promises.

The world suffered under feudalism for centuries.  Getting rid of feudalism was difficult and often bloody.  Now we are sliding back.  Just as in feudal times a small group of inbred morons, born in to privilege, desire to subjugate us.  They call themselves progressive but what they are really doing is turn the clock back by centuries.  Don’t let them.  For once please just get angry.

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