Things just got worse and for Canadians there is no way out

10 years ago Canadians made an enormous mistake.  Then to prove they are the least intelligent people on the planet Canadians went on to repeat the same mistake 2 more times.  The mistake Canadians made was to believe an idiot who thinks he is a genius would make a good Prime Minister.  That Idiot is Justin Trudeau.

Unfortunately for Canadians Justin Trudeau is not just any idiot.  He is a very special idiot.  Justin is the kind of idiot who only comes around every century or so.  Normally someone as Stupid as Justin does not survive long enough to become an adult let alone become Prime Minister.  Darwinism usually wins out but Canadians are not that lucky.  Justin survived and applied the full weight of his stupidity to the Canadian economy.  The results were predictable.  Canada’s GDP per capita was once on par with the US; now it is far behind and losing ground each year.

“Put another way”, Tombe wrote, “real GDP per capita in the U.S. was 43% higher than in Canada in 2023. And in 2024, I estimate this gap will widen to nearly 50%.

10 years ago Canadians had money; now 1 in 4 doesn’t have enough food.

23 percent of Canadians now reporting that they are unable to buy sufficient food, a seven-point increase.

Young people have been priced out of the housing market for the next 30 years.

Canada’s housing affordability crisis may persist until 2055 due to lengthy planning and approval processes, according to a new report from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).

“This timeline is far too long for Canadians seeking more affordable housing options now,” the report said.

And even Many Canadians that have homes can’t afford to keep them.

Mortgage delinquencies are rising in Canada, with overall debt levels increasing, according to the Equifax Canada Q4 2024 Market Pulse Consumer Credit Trends report, released February 25. 

Canada’s economy is a 5 alarm dumpster fire.  For 10 years it was not just stagnant.  We went backwards.  Trudeau did not miss an opportunity to do something incredibly stupid and destructive.  Even under competent leadership, our “lost decade” will take years to recover from.

It‘s no exaggeration to describe the Trudeau years as almost a “lost decade” for Canadian prosperity.  Measured on a per–person basis, national income today is barely higher than it was in 2015, after stripping out the effects of inflation. On this core metric of citizen well-being, Canada has one of the worst records among all advanced economies.

Retool Ottawa’s existing suite of climate and energy policies to reduce the economic damage done by the long list of regulations, taxes, subsidies and other measures adopted by Trudeau. 

It took 10 years but Canadians finally admitted that picking the least competent person in the country as leader was not a good idea.  Trudeau was finally forced out and yesterday Canada got a new Prime Minister.  This should be good news for Canadians but it is not.  Mark Carney took over from Justin Trudeau and that amounts to more of the same.  Carney is as big a moron as Trudeau.  He is just a better educated moron.

It is Carney’s education that masks his stupidity.  Carney has a PHD from Oxford.  That makes Carney seem smart but he is not.  I mean, what kind of moron would look at the sorry state of the Canadian economy and think the remedy is more destructive climate policies?

During his victory speech on Sunday, Carney said, “Pierre Poilievre would let our planet burn. This is not leadership, it’s ideology.”

Audience members booed Poilievre.

Carney, a prominent figure in climate finance and former governor of the Bank of England and Bank of Canada, views achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as both an urgent necessity and a significant economic opportunity.

Canada is so fucked.  It took 10 years for Canadians to realize we had a problem.  Now we have a new Prime Minister who obviously believes the problem is not large enough.  Things have gone from bad to worse.  Canadians are their own worst enemy.  Many now hope that Trump can save us from ourselves but that will never happen.  It won’t be Canadian patriotism that will prevent Canada from becoming the 51st state.  American common sense will prevent it from happening.

Most Americans ignore Canada.  Why would they pay attention to Canada?  Contrary to what most Canadians believe, Canada is just not that important.  But, if annexation of Canada ever got beyond the trolling stage, I am certain Americans would start to pay attention.  They would want to know about their 51st state.  That is when the whole thing will fall apart.  If the average American took a look at how dysfunctional Canada is, they would want no part of it.

I increasingly think that’s what it would be like if Canada really were to become America’s 51st state.  It would be like having an overgrown teenager skulking around at the top of this mighty republic, draining your resources, causing you embarrassment and poisoning your body politic with PC crap.

Trump won’t save us and Canadians are incapable of saving themselves.  We are just too good at making bad decisions.  It was once said that the future belongs to Canada.  That turns out to be one of the most wrong assessment ever made.  Our future is bleak and it is our own damn fault.

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