Unraveling a crime with this many participants might be impossible

A Calgary law firm, Rath and Company, has filed a suit against the Canadian Federal and the Alberta Provincial governments on behalf of vaccine injured Canadians.

Carrie Sakamoto, a young mother from Lethbridge who sustained severe, permanent physical and emotional injuries and damages from the Covid Vaccines is listed as class representative for the proposed Class Action lawsuit.

The lawsuit alleges that both levels of government lied about the vaccines therefore there was no informed consent.

The Defendants misrepresented the Covid Vaccines, in breach of statutory duty, as “safe and effective” to the public when in fact the Covid Vaccines were neither “safe or effective” and, as a result, many Albertans inoculated with the Covid Vaccines have suffered serious, life-threatening and even fatal consequences.

I have been saying this for a very long time.  The vaccines and vaccine mandates are crimes.  People who have been injured cannot sue Pfizer but Pfizer was not alone in this crime.  They had a lot of help.

Moderna and Pfizer produced a toxic product that should never have been sold.  Normally if you sell a harmful product you face consequences but normal rules do not apply to all things COVID.  Moderna and Pfizer were given legal immunity.  The legal immunity they were granted emboldened a lot of people who did not share the same protection and some of them are about to find out the hard way.

There is no doubt that Albert Bourla is a terrible human being.  He knew damn well his product was neither safe nor effective.  He even got governments to sign contracts that acknowledged that safety and effectiveness were unknown.  Yet Bourla constantly gave interviews claiming his product was safe and effective.  He lied incessantly but there is one thing Albert Bourla did not do.  He did not put a single needle into a single arm.  Government and medical professionals did that.

COVID from start to finish was a crime.  The lockdowns, restrictions, and masks were all designed to scare people in to accepting the vaccines.  Anyone who did not succumb to the fear was coerced with mandates.  Let the government inject you or never get your life back.  It was never about a virus.  From day one of the lockdowns it was always about Pharmaceutical profits.  Or, more specifically, how much of those profits would be kicked back to political decision makers.

Pfizer provided the financial incentive behind the crime which far too many public servants were happy to take.  Pfizer is certainly guilty but so are the thousands of other people who enforced the mandates and administered the jabs.  None of those people have legal protection but all of them are guilty.  We need to see many more lawsuits like this to make sure they are punished.

I applaud Rath and Company for their efforts.  I wish them luck but they have an uphill battle.  There is no doubt that all of the defendants are guilty but the problem is the courts are also guilty.  Canadians courts consistently ignored law and sided with the government in this crime.  It will be hard for Rath and Company to get a judge who is not also guilty.

That is precisely why no one has been punished yet for COVID crimes.  The crime was enormous and involved people at the highest levels of government.  Most of those people are still in power.  COVID might be another problem we can’t vote our way out of.