We can’t afford to follow the “science” any longer

Scientists have discovered that Greenland was one actually green.  (Hat tip to Jo Nova)

Scientists have discovered plant and insect remains under a two-mile-deep (three km) ice core extracted from the center of the island, providing the clearest proof yet that nearly all of this vast territory was green within the past million years, when atmospheric carbon levels were much lower than today.

This is good news right?  I mean if the earth was hotter when CO2 levels were lower can’t we stop worrying about CO2 emissions?  Doesn’t this prove one of these things?

  1. CO2 is not the primary driver of climate. The earth’s climate changes dramatically all on its own regardless of CO2 content.


  1. Increased CO2 has actually cooled the planet.

Well if you thought either of those were true you just don’t understand modern science.  Those might be conclusions drawn by an old school scientist who follows the data to where ever it leads.  A modern scientist will force fit the data to the conclusion he has already been paid for.

Their research, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, indicates even greater potential for global sea level rise due to human-caused climate than previously thought.

Have you got that?  Proof that climate warms without CO2 is proof that climate will warm dangerously with CO2.  Everything proves the hypothesis, even things that don’t.

It is fashionable for useful idiots to feel virtuous by repeating the mantra “I am following the science”.  Science is not a tangible object that can be followed.  Science is a process of discovery.  People who declare they are “following the science” are not really following science.  They are following a scientist.  Usually it is a scientist who has completely abandoned the scientific method.  They are not actually doing any science.

Modern scientists do not follow the data to an as yet undiscovered destination.  Rather they follow a map to a pre-drawn conclusion given to them by the Politian who paid for that conclusion.  If politicians want to demonize CO2 then every new piece of information will somehow “prove” that CO2 is dangerous.  Following the science is really a euphemism for doing something that is stupid, dangerous, destructive, and expensive.

Personal insolvencies are at a four-year high in Canada as consumers struggle with lingering inflation, high interest rates and debt they can no longer handle.

The Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals (CAIRP) report for the second quarter shows a rise of 12.4 per cent in insolvencies compared to the year prior.

And the numbers for business are even worse with insolvencies spiking 41.4 per cent year-over-year.

The bastardization of science has to stop.  Our future depends on it.

2 replies
  1. Jo Nova
    Jo Nova says:

    Great line:
    “Proof that climate warms without CO2 is proof that climate will warm dangerously with CO2. Everything proves the hypothesis, even things that don’t.”

    Well said!

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