What will it take?

Last month British Columbia’s version of Josef Mengele, Dr. Bonnie Henry, Declared an end to COVID restrictions including the provincial vaccine mandates. Bonnie Henry dragged the fake COVID emergency on longer than any other public health authority in Canada but I guess she wanted the summer off from participating in the biggest crime in history.

After a few weeks off from killing citizens Dr. Henry returned to the airwaves to let people know that she could start killing again at a moment’s notice.  She warned the citizens of BC that she is monitoring COVID closely and will impose restrictions again.   This is another one of those times when I find myself saying I told you so.  Anything those sociopaths do not get punished for they will do again and it looks to me that they are planning to do it all again.  In fact they already are doing it again.

My wife’s mother is quite elderly and like many elderly people she is starting to have health issues that lead to hospital visits.  That happened again last week so my wife went to sit with her in the hospital.  Because of her age my mother in law is in a geriatric ward.  The ward has had a COVID outbreak and the staff is running around like their hair is on fire.  COVID protocols have been re-instated and visitors must be masked.  This is all very necessary, as the head nurse explained to my wife, because one patient has already died from COVID.

My wife has unfortunately been in the hospital for several days with her mom.  She had seen the patient who “died of COVID” many times.  In her words he looked to be 100 and was on deaths doorstep before the PCR test ever showed he had COVID.  Here we go again folks.  Every death is a COVID death.  If it was not for this great plague that 100 year old man in the geriatric ward would have been out running marathons.

They are gearing up to do it all again and it is our fault.  We should have punished the COVID criminals and we did not.  Most of them are in the same positions of power that they occupied when they committed this crime last time.  What will it take for people to stand up and say no more?