Why you can’t fix Canada

When I was growing up the first step to getting ahead in Canada was to get a job.  But that was a long time ago when Canadian governments were much smaller, less corrupt, and not nearly as intent on ruining the country.  Now, In Trudeau’s Canada, being employed is not a guarantee of eventual success.  It doesn’t even guarantee you will be able to feed yourself.

“This is the very first time in the 40 years food banks have been in Canada that we have seen unemployment so low and food bank usage at the rates we are seeing right now. In fact, that number has risen to about one third of food bank clients having full time employment.”

Canadian Governments are forcing Canadian citizens into starvation.  There should be antigovernmental protests and riots, but there aren’t.  Instead, Canadians have found governments to be blameless.  Their financial woes don’t stem from high taxation, hyper regulation, and unrestricted immigration.  The problem really is the baby boomers.

Can this process be reversed? Ultimately, boomers need to revise their longstanding self-absorption. Instead, the older generations need to step up and support programs that encourage economic mobility, home ownership, marriage and family formation. This means embracing economic growth and social mobility through such steps as more skills-based education, improved basic infrastructure, and especially more housing that can be purchased by ordinary families.

Did you know that boomers have regular meetings where they devise ways to prevent young people from owning anything?  I sure didn’t and I am a boomer.  I guess I have missed all the meeting notices.

To be clear, boomers do share the blame for what has happened.  From the moment they were old enough to vote boomers voted for politicians that promised to give them services while giving the bill to their grandchildren.  But the boomers are not alone in this.  Every generation after the boomers has done the same thing.  The boomers might have started the ball rolling, but every successive generation has kept it rolling.  This has resulted in a huge increase in government size and government corruption.

Because of this Canada is an economic basket case.  People can’t afford homes or groceries and now they can’t afford to pay their debts.

Personal insolvencies are at a four-year high in Canada as consumers struggle with lingering inflation, high interest rates and debt they can no longer handle.

The Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals (CAIRP) report for the second quarter shows a rise of 12.4 per cent in insolvencies compared to the year prior.

And the numbers for business are even worse with insolvencies spiking 41.4 per cent year-over-year.

But we don’t need to worry.  The deep thinkers have a solution.  Everything will be solved when Canadians finish their transition into Venezuela North.

This approach may violate some principles of market fundamentalism but is critical to the preservation of the market system itself. Given their penurious condition and limited opportunities, many younger people are fans of expanded government and greater re-distribution of wealth. Nearly two-thirds (60 per cent) of young adults around the world told Pew Research in 2022 that they don’t view capitalism positively — the highest share of any age group and 33 percentage points higher than those of boomers or generation Xers.

So, to preserve the free market we must violate the principles of a free market economy.  Or put another way we are going to solve the problems created by too much government by applying much more government.  Really, what could go wrong?

Something this incredibly stupid was of course written by a Canadian academic.  The Canadian government keeps a stable of academics on retainer.  When the government wants to do something stupid or destructive they purchase a “scientific” conclusion from one of their pet academics.  They will dutifully write an article or a paper concluding that government is next to godliness.  It is a very sick symbiotic relationship that works.  Canadians will swallow the lies and “follow the science” right to the food bank.

The damage has been done by politicians Canadians have voted for repeatedly.  The most destructive Prime Minister in our history has won 3 elections and still has supporters.  This happens because Canadians accept obvious lies from media and academia.  They just refuse to wake up and smell the tyranny.  Canada is broken.  Sadly, it just cannot be fixed.  It is simply not possible to fix a country full of Canadians.