You do not hate politicians enough.

Small businesses were devastated by the lockdowns.  The first year of lockdowns cost Canadian small business 60 billion.

Canada’s small and medium-sized businesses lost about $60 billion in the first year of pandemic lockdowns, says the country’s national statistical agency.

Even had this been the end of the lockdowns it is completely unacceptable.  Our governments did irreparable harm to the economy without saving a single life with their lockdowns.  In fact our misguided policy of quarantining healthy people increased the number of people who died.

Any Country that reacted sanely did not have much trouble.  COVID amounted to nothing other than a mild flu year.  COVID was only a problem in Countries where politicians made it a problem.  This cannot be stated too many times.  Lockdowns Kill.  That much is clear.  So is it the lethality of lockdowns that makes them so attractive to left wing politicians?

Our governments destroyed small business while increasing the number of people who died.  Incredibly they used the extra deaths, which they caused, as justification for continued lockdowns.  Now the same people responsible for the COVID fiasco are rushing Canada into a trade war with the US.  I don’t care how much you hate government, the evidence is clear; you do not hate government enough.  You certainly don’t hate your government as much as your government hates you.