I apologize for the length of the post. Please bear with me I do eventually come to a point.
First they fabricated, then manufactured, and now they have instigated one. You might ask yourself who they are and what am I talking about? Well, I don’t really know who they are. I know they exist and in my last post I referred to them as the script writers. I can’t think of a more descriptive name so I will stick with that. What the script writers have fabricated, manufactured, and instigated are emergencies.
The script writers find emergencies to be very convenient. Emergencies allow script writers to get away with things we would normally execute them for. Before I discuss what they are doing I want to spend a minute and discuss the 3 separate script written emergencies.
The Fabricated emergency is climate change. It is normal to have climate change. There has never been a time when climate did not change. The script writers took a completely ordinary occurrence and convinced us it was abnormal and constituted an emergency. Their villain was CO2 something the planet cannot exist without. Eliminating CO2 means eliminating life yet somehow they sold this as a good idea.
The manufactured emergency is COVID. The virus is real but the emergency is not. Aside from being real the virus is also very much manufactured. The script writers paid Chinese researchers to develop and release a virus. Fear was stoked and another existential emergency declared. Cold and flu season suddenly became just as scary as photosynthesis.
The instigated emergency is the war in The Ukraine. This is a real war and people are dying so this is at least an actual emergency. It is also a direct result of the script writers and they have been working on this almost as long as the climate emergency. The fabricated climate emergency started 1988; Al Gore kicked it in to high gear in 2005. The instigated Ukrainian war was started in 1994 and hit warp speed with the fraudulent election of Joe Biden in 2020.
After the fall of the Soviet Union the Ukraine became independent but their geography will forever tie them to Russia. In fact the city of Kiev was once the capital of the Kievan Rus Empire that encompassed Ukraine and most of modern Russia. In some respects Putin is correct; the Ukrainians and Russians are one people and have been for more than 1000 years. There was simply no way that Ukraine and Russia would not have some sort of association. Left alone, with adults in charge, Ukraine and Russia would have come to some sort of arrangement, however uneasy it might have been.
Russia and Ukraine co-existing in peace was something that the script writers would not stand for so the two countries were not left to find a way to live with each other. The first intervention by the script writers was in 1994. They sent Bill Clinton to the Ukraine to convince Ukrainians to give up their nukes.
After the fall of the Soviet Union the Ukraine had hundreds of nuclear missiles. This would have put them in a strong bargaining position with Russia. The Ukraine could have forged a lasting peace with Russia. A peace that would not have cost them much when negotiating with their larger neighbor. Bill Clinton destroyed that strong position. He convinced the Ukraine to send their missiles back to Russia in return for a hollow promise that the US would defend Ukraine if Russia invaded. We are in the middle of the second Russian invasion and US troops still cannot be found in the Ukraine.
So step one was complete. The Ukraine no longer had a military deterrent. The Larger Russian Army could take Ukraine at their leisure. Step 2 would take much more work. The script writers needed to give Russia a reason to invade. Step 2 would unfold slowly over the next 28 years. Step 2 was a 2 pronged attack. First Russia needed to be provoked and backed in to a corner. Second Ukraine must be kept from ever negotiating with Russia.
Provoking and cornering Russia was easy. NATO kept expanding through Eastern Europe until it was right on Russia’s border (Latvia and Estonia). The map below shows the year in which each country joined NATO. NATO steadily encroached on Russia’s borders. There was no way that this would not provoke Russia.

Ukraine is not a NATO member but in 2020 they were granted enhanced opportunity partner status, whatever that is. 2023 was the target date set for their full acceptance to NATO. This would have been disastrous for Russia. NATO would occupy almost the entire western border with Russia. Russia had every reason to prevent further NATO expansion. That meant convincing Ukraine not to join or invading. The script writers made sure invasion was their only option.
In 2004 Ukrainians elected Victor Yanukovych. Yanukovych was ethnically Russian (as many Ukrainians are) and spoke Russian. The script writers could not risk that he would have cordial relations with Russia. They sent the CIA in to produce a color revolution. The CIA financed demonstrations and produced propaganda claiming election fraud. The election was declared fraudulent and the CIA selected a more acceptable leader.
There was no fraud. Yanukovych was actually very popular. So popular he became Prime Minister in 2006 and was elected president for the second time in 2010. This time the CIA was not able to finance another color revolution and Yanukovych became as problematic as they had feared.
Yanukovych is exactly what the script writers did not want for the Ukrainian; he is an adult. He knew that without nukes his bargaining position with Russia was weak. His only leverage was the port at Sevastopol in the Crimea. The Russians need it for their Navy. It is their only warm water port; ice free year round. Yanukovych knew that if he did not forge an agreement, Russia would just take it. In 2010 Yanukovych gave Russia a 32 year lease in return for discounted natural gas.
The script writers were not happy. Their discontent only grew when in 2013 Yanukovych refused to join the European Union. Again Yanukovych was a realist. Joining The EU would impact all of the trade Ukraine did with Russia. The negative impact to the Ukrainian economy was estimated to be in the hundreds of billions. Yanukovych was not willing to do that to his people. This was the last straw. The CIA staged a coup in 2014 and Yanukovych fled to Russia. Putin immediately invaded and annexed the entire Crimea to secure his navy base at Sevastopol.
The final invasion of Ukraine was inevitable; the script had already been written. Ukraine became another emergency to be exploited. So why do the script writers work so hard to manufacture and exploit emergencies? Well the devil is in the details or rather the emergency solutions. Consider the table below.
Emergency Solution Applied |
Climate Change |
Ukraine |
Censor any dissenting opinions ensuring acceptable group think |
X |
X |
X |
confiscate wealth through taxation or regulation |
X |
X |
X |
Transfer Wealth to Government friendly businesses |
X |
X |
X |
Restrict movement and association of citizens |
X |
X |
X |
Demonization and social ostracization of identifiable groups |
X |
X |
X |
Promotion of Hate speech towards identifiable groups |
X |
X |
X |
Don’t you find this interesting? The solution to climate change, viral outbreaks, and military invasion are all the same; elimination of human rights and re-distribution of wealth. A cynic might think these emergencies are fabricated, manufactured, or instigated as a means to remodel our entire society. It is almost like they are working on some sort of Great Reset.
To me the most unsettling thing is not what the script writers are doing but how long they have been doing it for. Since 1988 when the first fake emergency was conceived the US has had 6 presidents. Canada has had 6 prime ministers and the UK 7. Heads of state have changed multiple times but the script never has. It is obvious that the people we elect are not part of the script writer’s guild. They are just actors delivering lines written for them by the guild.
We are told we need to support Ukraine to defend democracy. I am not sure that democracy exists anywhere. It certainly does not exist in the Ukraine where the CIA has picked as many presidents as the voters and a duly elected president is living in exile. The will of the people is obviously secondary to the prewritten scripts.
The Script writers are calling all the shots and we don’t even know who they are. These people are experts at operating in the shadows. We need to find a light large enough to expose these vermin. Then we need an exterminator.